May 18, 2006 17:17
Just moved into my new apartment. It is uber cute ... I wish I could take over and paint and go crazy as if the space truly belonged to me... but alas it does not. However I have had fun placing furniture and doing some light decorating fantastic goodness. :-)
I will have to upload pics soon most definitely... I however do not have any internet as of yet... so life is 1,000 x's more difficult... then again it is quite enjoyable being away from it. ( I have done a few fun paintings and read a bunch as well) I stopped by campus so I thought I would jump on real quick and give an update.
(I can picture message anyone who is truly that eager to see ... ie. no one.)
SO that is that ... job hunting ... just waiting to hear back from slowwwww central pa people. I am really confident in most of the prospects... so we shall see.
AND that is that my friends. Leave me some love although I am not quite sure when I will get back to checking up on here.