Oct 19, 2009 23:19
I spend the weekend at my parents house so I could see the girl off of the internet again. She got a new microwave and didn't know what to do with the old one so I thought why not blow it up? I gathered cleaning products, alcoholic beverages and towels and put the towels in the microwave and doused them and the WHOLE, EVERY PART!, of the microwave. Her backyard is as big as your asshole assuming it's really small and she thought her house was going to blow up but I'm smart. I have better judgment then you think so I lit a book of matches and closed the microwave door and lit a alcohol filled towel fast and threw it over the microwave and ran into the house and sat there waiting for a boom or something loud and big.
Nothing happened.
All I did was make a microwave fire pit but I have to say it was nice to sit next too and talk even though it's blistering hot here. At one point I made a couple dollars break dancing outside of the shops while Rachel got some things and I bought her a flower with the money. We got heroin from a 17 year old again and got high while we listened to bootlegs of Journey live and holy shit they are not fun to get high too. I prefer a repeat of " Every Rose Has It's Thorn" by Poison or Cat Stevens. I don't think I'm going to do heroin for awhile again it's boring when you do it twice in the same month.
I miss living at home and being lazy and Alexa, sadly.