For those that read my last post

Aug 14, 2007 18:34

I specifically asked for frank responses in regards to this because I'm kind of in a fog in regards to the situation. It's a scary thing to say the least, and I'm glad that I got the responses that I did. Abortion is a hotbed topic that is close to everyone's hearts and what I got was a heartfelt response.

I'm aware that the current thoughts are very selfish, and I need that "other" perspective to speak for the child.

B & T both make incredible sense in what they say, and I need to read and re-read that a few times.

Btw Bennie is still at a stage in where she could obtain the abortion pill and avoid the vacum.

We have not confirmed with a blood test for sure, so that's the current next step that we are making for sure.

As to abortion? The scale leans in one way for now.

There is no easy way out of the situation and we're both gonna be scarred from this. I know all of you as friends IRL and some from Cyberspace, and I thank you for the information and being a dissenting voice. I value this alot, and honestly I did ask for it. I just know that I'm gonna have a hard time through this either way, so don't beat me on the head with your values too much.

Oh btw B, this IS the first time that this has happened. You might want to ask K as to who the father really was.
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