Oct 08, 2003 05:26
california is going to fall into the ocean now i bet. ah-nold is governor. i can't believe that people thought that he is qualified to run a state. what is it about acting makes you qualified to dig california out of it's hole? this greatly amuses me...
the boy is going to die soon, very soon. i am taking suggestions on your favorite way to kill an annoying-no-rent-paying boy. best one wins a pepsi. vanilla or cherry, you choose. then i will kill him using suggested format and post pictures for everyone to see. wait, is that maybe too much evidence??? of course i am sure that if i don't get off for it being a justifiable homicide i will get off because i am pretty crazy... and i have papers to prove it. official government ones so there.
my current amusement is this fold over comb and brush combo thingy. i am so caught up in it. i can't stop playing with it. this amuses me too.
well, i have something pressing to do so i am gonna go do it. no i'm not, i'm gonna go look for the toilet seat infomercial sweetie told me about. it will amuse me too.