This post by
bookshop is . . . it pretty much says everything I've been feeling over the last few years, captures exactly the feelings I have about fic and slash - I really could not have put it better myself. I emphatically agree with every last single damn word of that post. I had this dream a couple years ago, in which John and Rodney kissed - standard fan fantasy dream, right? Except, no, because the really important thing about the dream was that I was sitting on the couch with my SGA-watching buddy and we were watching the tv show Stargate Atlantis on which John and Rodney were kissing, suddenly, as a regular part of the show. That was the fantasy: not the kiss, but the screen on which that kiss could take place. Not the idea of the kiss itself, but the idea of being a queer woman who could sit on her couch and see that kiss on any old tv show. Sometimes I want that so badly it hurts.
. . .
2) on a COMPLETELY different topic - or, whatever, as symptom of the same yearning - yesterday I read
katieforsythe's new Holmes/Watson story,
Softly and Suddenly, and dudes it made me cry. It was incredibly painful to read, and while I wouldn't necessarily say it had a sad ending - there's a lot that's positive in the ending - it is also not something I would ever categorize as ending happily. The pain the characters are in was so realistic, so believable that I almost couldn't stand to read it at certain points. God, her Sherlock Holmes fic is so amazing.
3) I've also been reading some other good fic in the last few days - I don't know, I go on these ups and downs where I'm either reading nothing for weeks or reading everything I can find. Anyway, the stuff I've liked, I've tagged as always at
my delicious - some Holmes, some White Collar, a lil Holmes09 RPS, a lil SGA. Tentacles. OT3s. My usual fare. If you're bored or looking for recs, well, there you go.
4) Okay, this isn't a link so much as a request for links. I badly need some Holmes09, White Collar, and Being Human icons. Anyone able to hook me up with a source for any of those?
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