Aug 12, 2009 17:41

it's so very near to VividCon time! Eeeeeeee! I have spent the day doing laundry and packing and making sure the apartment is prepared for my absence. I am SO TERRIBLE at packing. Those people who backpack across a continent for six months with nothing but a change of underwear and a map? ARE NOT ME. The overpacking, it is like a sickness. I always start out with good intentions, and then it just spirals out of control until it seems completely logical that I should pack my entire house for a four-day trip. FEAR ME AND MY LUGGAGE.

BUT! I am very excited to get to meet so many incredibly cool people (I will have to try not to fanvomit on yall) and to see so many new/cool/new-and-cool vids! Oh my goodness. I almost cannot deal. Again I say: eeeeeeeeee!

My previous con experience is that of the very small and intimate OR the ridiculously huge - twenty fangirls in someone's living room OR comiccon san diego, no middle ground. So I am really looking forward to this (by all accounts unique) con experience.

Anyway, I have just ordered some delivery sushi for dinner, and then I will be retiring early, as I have to get up at 4am to catch a 6am plane. Blech! But it will allllll be worth it.

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vvc omg

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