You can always tell I've gotten helplessly headoverheels into a fandom when I start watching bad youtube vids for it. My process is generally, get into source material, maybe read some fic, suddenly become obsessed with exhausting all the good fic, watch all the good vids, reread/watch source material, reread one or two favourite fics, WATCH BAD YOUTUBE VIDS. It is at this stage that all pretense at infatuation flies out the window, and I am forced to admit my undying love. It's also possibly my favourite stage, as few things give me more joy than watching endless bad youtube vids.
SO, yesterday, I spent like two hours watching bad Sherlock Holmes vids. My friends, there is NO END to the joy of typing "Sherlock Holmes" or "Holmes/Watson" into youtube and then just watching every single thing that comes up. I was in Holmes fandom five or so years ago, and read an awful lot of badfic (there is a bit of a tendency toward OOC OTT-ness in some of the fic - says the girl who read Holmes/Watson mpreg podfic last week) but never did I imagine the range and depth of the melodrama and hilarity that could appear in Holmes/Watson vids. Holmes/Watson vidders want you to know, for example, that
there is something in the air, that Holmes can
read your mind, that
no one knows what it's like to be the bad man, and of course that
Jeremy Brett is bringing sexy back. I think my favourite is the "something in the air" one, which is like, ALMOST a really brilliant vid, as it balances perfectly between pre-irony and post-irony, but then . . . really really isn't. And "read my mind" is actually kind of well-edited, just every few seconds I realise that it's serious, and I crack up.
Anyway, I'm not throwing stones, because I am at this moment a) making an incredibly heavy-handed and OTT romantic Prison Break pairing vid, and b) contemplating making like six Holmes and Holmes/Watson vids myself. It is possible that you think that there are too many vids around to Britney Spears' "Circus" these days, but you only think that because no one has made one yet about Sherlock Holmes. Just FYI, there's only two types of guys out there: the ones that can hang with Holmes, and the ones that are scared.
For further Holmes-related enjoyment, may I recommend
this compilation of slashy moments from Holmes productions, as well as
part three and
part four of The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, in which a Russian ballerina wants to make Holmes her baby-daddy, and Holmes gets out of it by saying that he's with Watson. I think my favourite part is when Watson flips out about it and says they'll have to stop living together, and Holmes sadly opines that at least they can still see each other clandestinely, on remote benches in Hyde Park and in the waiting-rooms of suburban railway stations.
Now the only real question is, which kink bingo square should I use for writing really filthy Holmes/Watson porn?
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