PSA: drugs can cause homoerotic bonding

Jun 17, 2009 12:45

I just wrote some of the Leverage fantasy AU that
toft and I are writing (that story CRACKS ME UP), which is supercool because I have had trouble writing lately! But then, boom, twelve hundred words, pretty easily. This makes me think that I might write a little something something set-in-season-one Prison Break Michael/Sucre, because I have a hilarious-slash-adorable idea for a story.

BUT, what I am posting to say is: can I please get some fic for this anti-drug PSA that I loved in my youth? It's so sweet and gay! LOOK AT IT.

image Click to view

I swear, when I watched TV as a kid I got excited whenever that PSA came on. Because they LOVE EACH OTHER, you guys. This yuletide I am ttly asking for the epic story of flannel bathrobe guy and the guy with hipster hair, and how they grew up together, and how one of them OD'd on something or other but it's okay because they have hugs, and then later they make out on the worn-out shag carpet in flannel bathrobe guy's apartment, and maybe, just maybe, they'll be able to make it if they stick together. I am so serious about this. Remind me about this come yuletide season.

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yuletide, fic-wrangling, teevee

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