toftless! also, I talk about star trek.

May 19, 2009 13:39

I can no longer haz a
toft, as I put her on a bus this morning to go back to Canada-land. Sadness! Now I have no excuse to pretend like I'm on vacation, and have to go back to doing things like "working out" and "getting shit done." That sucks. It was lovely while she was here, though - we went hiking and played pirate-themed miniature golf, went to see Star Trek with
livrelibre and
eruthros, read medieval grammar textbooks (or, at least one), and of course we plotted out our Leverage AU that we're going to cowrite. In which Alec is a wizard, Eliot is a centaur, Parker is an elf-bandit, Sophie is part fairy, and Nate is . . . some guy. IT WILL BE AWESOME. I love that we're just skipping past the first three years of this fandom in which people write realistic set-in-the-existing-universe OTP fic, and moved on to the wacky cracked out teamfic AU interspecies heist novellas. Trust me, all you people who said you wanted the AU where Rodney was a gynecologist - this is what you really want. Leverage fantasy AU.

Also, let me say that I am utterly ashamed of all the people who wanted the AU where Rodney is a gynecologist. I guess I should know better than to expect good taste from SGA fandom. :) Oh my dear old fandom, I do still love you a lot.

Anyhow, this is how my week has been: full of fangirls and awesomeness.

I should also mention that I loved the new Star Trek film just to DEATH, even despite some race/gender reservations that I had. I just love Spock THIS MUCH, and I love Uhura and Sulu and Scottie even though they didn't get enough screentime (esp. Sulu, who is my #1 after Spock), and plus Kirk was there too. I feel a new fandom coming on like a fever. If, as
livrelibre informs us, this is going to be a TV show in a couple of years, then I may pass out from sheer happy-shiny-new/old-fandom delight. Even now I have like two dozen tabs open with Uhura/Spock and Kirk/Spock and Kirk/Spock/Uhura and Sulu/Chekhov (my TOS OTP!) and I am going to read them allllllll hurrah.

LASTLY: Did yall see
butterfly's ST:AOS Kirk-vid? It is AWESOME! It's all about Kirk's performance as "Kirk," in a way that totally reminds me of
killa's ST:TOS Kirk-vid to "Razzle Dazzle." Anyway, it's Kirk to a Britney Spears song, what more do you need to know.

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writing, leverage, i have a friend on the internet, recs, st:aos

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