vid rec!

Mar 26, 2009 07:36

so, I betaed this vid for isagel, which is now available for public consumption, which means I can finally gush in public (ew) about how much I love it, and can finally use a whole bunch of superlatives to tell you why you should go and watch it.

It's called The Temptation of John Sheppard, and it's about John's love for Rodney - but it's utterly different than any other "John <3s Rodney" vid I've ever seen. It's incredibly powerful and emotionally fraught (I cried at, like, every stage of beta, because I am a crier who cries when I have feelings. "*sob* have you thought of trying *sob* a crossfade? *sniffle*") and I don't think I've ever experienced a love story quite like it. Unless it was the love story I experienced in watching the show itself, because that's what the vid does - dramatizes the love story on the show, lays it out neatly piece by piece. It's the best kind of love story: honest and complicated and tender and frightening.

As I said to isagel, watching it is like the experience of reading a giant 300k story, because the narrative scope of it and the emotional shifts are just so huge. For those who like vids with a powerful narrative, this one is definitely for you, is perhaps the greatest SGA vid in that regard. For those who know in their hearts that John's love is never safe, or sane, or small in scale - this vid is also for you. Oh I treasure it close.

Cannot rec highly enough! Superlatives unequal to task! But you get the idea. Go watch it!

sga, recs

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