a post that I made to livejournal

Jan 21, 2009 19:57

first topic: who's watching Leverage? Hands up. I think it's getting better and better as it goes along - The Mile High Job was one of their best yet, if you ask me. For those who haven't seen it, it's like an American version of Hustle (which is still the better show, I think, because, Adrian Lester) but Leverage is similar - though the Leverage folks are thieves as well as grifters and conartists and thugs and whatever else they need to be. PLUS, there are hilarious Doctor Who in-jokes, thanks to one character (Hardison! You're awesome! Make out with Elliot!) who's a fan.

second topic: have you guys all gone and checked out the appellathon that general_jinjur and raz0rgirl have started up? Listen, I am officially pimping it, because this is an idea that I have long considered implementing myself (though my idea was nowhere near as awesome or huge). Anyway, it will give me an excuse to finally write that John Sheppard/J'onn J'onzz, the-Martian-Manhunter story I've always wanted to write.

Or that story that I would write, which would be Jack Shephard from Lost and John Sheppard from SGA, except I hate Jack too much to write it. BUT, if I did write it, I would write a sex scene where I referred to them only by their last names, it would be hilarious. "Sheppard grabbed Shephard by the back of the neck, pulling him in for a kiss. 'Oh, God, Sheppard,' Shephard breathed, as he palmed over the front of Sheppard's jeans. Sheppard groaned, and threw his head back, and Shephard took advantage of the opportunity to lick Sheppard's throat."

As I say, if only I didn't hate Jack Shephard. And hadn't broken up with Lost a season ago.

ANYWAY, that was a long-winded way of saying, go check it out: the fest is up at in_a_name. Just think of the possibilities! You could write Sam Carter/Sam Beckett! Or Deanna Biers/Deanna Troi! Or Londo Mollari/Lando Calrissian (if you want to fudge a bit). Or Mickey Smith/Mickey Bricks! Or Ray Doyle/Ray Kowalski! Or Martha Jones/Indiana Jones! Or Allison Cameron/Cameron the Terminator! Or really any lead male character ever/any lead male character ever, because seriously, they're all called John. Or Jack. I assume that someone will write Jack O'Neill/Jack Harkness.

(the sad thing about this challenge: it's hard for the aliens. sadface.)

(Benton Fraser/Benjamin Sisko! I could just keep going!)

(PS, anyone who uses this fest to write interior-to-the-show incest is a loser. sorry to say, but it's true.)

eta: Susan Ivanova/Susan Pevensie! I can't stop!

third topic: A POLL!

Poll mac based vidders, lil help

. . . and of course opinions on why you like format A or format B are welcome. I've been using .dv, because it seems to transport well into FCP, but perhaps this is WRONG?

challenge!, ask the internet, poll, teevee

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