dudes, so, lately I have been watching ST:TOS for funsies, because it makes me HAPPY when I am SAD. and today I rewatched "Plato's Stepchildren," which, in case you needed reminding, is probably the best hour of television ever made. Example:
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he's . . . it's, he's a horsey and there's a dwarf riding him. I don't know what to say.
I swear I have seen this episode like five times before, on cable, when I was half-asleep or drunk or ten years old, but I had completely forgotten this.
AND, later on, there is the very, VERY squicky interracial interspecies amtdi bdsm scene. REALLY they're going to force Kirk to whip Uhura before he fucks her? Really? It's intensely gross. And somehow really campy at the same time. ew there's squick in my camp!
But also, I feel like . . . it's so intensely fandom. AMTDI BDSM SCENES. WHERE THE CHARACTERS ARE CLEARLY PERFORMING PORN FOR ALIENS. We come by these tropes honestly, and it is good to be reminded of that every so often. It's like watching Starsky and Hutch and realising where all those due South and X-Files fanfic conventions came from.