some things that make a post

Apr 15, 2011 10:48

I really admire people like
cofax7 and
jooj and, you know, many other folks who are good at linkspam. I love linkspam! But I am terrible at it. Nonetheless, I want to do it more, so let me practice:

This post from
rydra_wong is a great example of the kind of food thinking I really admire and aspire to do; the Fat Nutritionist piece she links to also lays out this philosophy very well. And there are some good comments. People are different from each other! Eating can be a thing you do to make yourself feel good! What! This philosophy is currently making a difference in my life, when I take the time to self-inventory and do what my body wants (rather than, for example, right now, sitting at the computer typing a post even though I'm kind of hungry and want a banana orange smoothie with yogurt and whey protein. I promise I'll get up and make it in a minute, body.)

Relatedly, I've been digging on the #thingsfatpeoplearetold Twitter hashtag (it's tweets of things fat people are told, so, you know, if you don't want to encounter examples of fat-shaming and body-policing and such atm, best to avoid). Here's one collection of the tweets that came out during the first 24 hours.

[rape + rape culture stuff] I like a lot a lot a lot of things about Shakesville, but man, sometimes they piss me off. This post pisses me off in both its classic Shakesville-style defensiveness (wtf is that bit about "BTW THERE IS NO WAY FOR THIS LAW TO BE A BAD THING SO DON'T SAY SO") and in its . . . I don't know. Willingness to punish. Or something. I find this very hard to explain, because we DO need more laws to protect people from rape and assault, people in power DO often get off scot-free, there ARE plenty of heinous examples we can point to that make laws like this plausible. But, I just. Maybe this post that I made ages ago (about paedophilia and Roman Polanski) would explain it better. I guess the best way to explain it is to say that I think that depictions of rapists as depraved monsters who have nothing to do with humanity, who can neither be created or destroyed, who come from nowhere and are forever rapists and aren't fathers, uncles, old friends of the family . . . is just as much a part of rape culture as anything else that's a part of rape culture.

Okay, maybe now something less problematic and depressing.

Lately I have seen many good vids, thanks to VidUKon! Some of the good vids I have seen include Angie by
chaila (TSCC Jesse/Riley + BSG Boomer/Caprica); Fascination by
charmax (Billy Elliot omg); Dreaming by
calapine (DW, Tegan/Nyssa); Machine by cosmic_llin (ST: VOY, Seven of goddamn Nine); I Want What I Want by
dualbunny (Bionic Woman, Jaimie/Sarah); 150 Times by
isagel (Whitechapel, that guy from Whitechapel); Blue Caravan by (DW, Amy/Rory/Eleven); Spit the Devil by kiki_miserychic (V, Erika/Anna holy shit); Palindromes by
lensflair_inc (Fringe, Olivia/Alvarez Charlie) and MANY MORE. I still have so many to watch, too.

Other vids I've been digging lately, not via VidUKon but just via general cruising about: Movin' Right Along by odessie (DW, everybody); Tonight I'm Fucking You by
talitha78 (White Collar, Peter/Neal); Sex and Reruns by
greensilver (Community, everybody); Oz Death Montage by
chagrined (Oz, everybody); Deep by
rhoboat (Farscape, John/Scorpius); When Life Gives Me Lemons by
bop_radar (Community, everybody); We Couldn't Stand Being Normal by baritoneslur (Community, Troy/Abed, watch out that's a youtube link); and MANY MORE.

Anyway, I could do a whole post on any one of those vids, and they all deserve proper recs, but since I don't think I'm going to be able to sit down and write them all up proper recs, well . . . better to linkspam them at you than to not mention them at all!

This concludes my linkspam experiment. It is now my intention to play video games for several hours. And make that smoothie.

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vidding, fatness, om nom nom, ladies' interest, deixis, recs

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