yay Voyager! (boo gender essentialism)

Mar 06, 2011 20:30

right now
eruthros and I are doing a Voyager rewatch! As you may have heard. Which is to say that I am making her watch them and she is tolerating it kindly. How great was this show? Except for all the horrible Star Trekish gender essentialism and heterosexist imagining of the future, among other issues? PRETTY DARN GREAT. Just now we had this exchange while watching an episode:

eruthros (staring at the screen): Neelix . . . and Tom Paris . . .
me: . . . are coparenting a dinosaur.
eruthros: That is what is happening right now, yes.

Also we have decided that Janeway/Chakotay/Tuvok is a ttly hot OT3. At first I was dubious (not understanding the Chakotay/Tuvok component) but now I am convinced, because Chakotay and Tuvok sort of don't like each other but play this game where they try to out-respectful professional each other all the time? It's great. Man I love Vulcans up in my ships! Then you get SUPER HOT MOMENTS OF SOMEONE NOT TOUCHING SOMEONE ELSE, like this one, when Tuvok thinks he might be about to die:

image Click to view

Wow, Tuvok. Seriously.

Other important ships for this show: Janeway/B'Elanna, Janeway/Seven (though we're not there yet), B'Elanna/Harry/Tom, Harry/Tom, and Doctor/almost anyone. The Doctor is so CRANKY and I love him so much that he can be shipped with anyone. I hardcored shipped Doctor/Seven back in the day.

When I was a teenager I used to hang out with these boyfans who told me it was dumb to like Voyager and awesome to like DS9, and I liked DS9 but I liked Voyager better and it was a SECRET SHAME but now I realise that those dudes were haters and should proceed towards the left. JANEWAY 4EVS

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st:voy, teevee

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