Feb 05, 2011 00:24

eruthros and I enjoy cooperative (or at least two-player) Wii games and so we are right now playing Donkey Kong Country Returns (why is he a donkey when he's a monkey? does anyone know?) and OKAY THIS LEVEL HAS FREAKED ME OUT. The level is called "Muncher Marathon," which made us snicker until we got in the level and realised it was one of those ones where something chases you from the left side of the screen and you have to runrunrun to the right. Things to know about me and video games:

-the levels where something huge and inevitable chases you and you have to runrunrun freak me out
-being eaten by video game monsters freaks me out (see: giant purple fish in Super Mario Bros Wii. I'm still not over that. I played that level again with my eight year old nephew and made him do that part.)
-I mean literally freaked out, like, it really bothers me, I scream sometimes and drop the controller and shut my eyes and shudder, idek, it's a thing

so okay we're being chased by this giant black pile of THINGS from the left and then they catch up and envelop us and kill us and it's AWFUL and I say:

me: "What is it, anyway, a rockslide?"
eruthros: "It's bugs. It's a mountain of bugs. Coming to eat us."

because another thing I do not like is BUGS, as
eruthros knows quite well, and mostly irl I'm okay with bugs unless they are in my food or in larval form (bug eggs oh god it is actually a phobia that one) but on the video game screen okay the only thing worse than being chased by a giant ever moving THING is being chased by a giant ever moving MOUNTAIN OF BUGS THAT WILL EAT ME.

um, anyway, I then declared myself too freaked out to play the level again and am currently developing a block about it.

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