1) reading endless Dan/Rorschach Watchmen fic. WHAT? I have never gone anywhere near Watchmen fandom before EVER, yet there I am. Those of you who watch my delicious have probably been wondering if I've been possessed; I'm actually not sure, it's possible. Anyway I blame kink bingo;
etherati and
steals_thyme both wrote amazing Watchmen fic and made amazing Watchmen art for KB and thus I had no choice okay but to be charmed and to suddenly find myself staying up until 1am reading this fic where they sort of almost have fumbling sex a couple times but don't really but have intense emotional intimacy and codependency and anyway it's great.
I also had this great idea for a Dan/Rorschach verbal humiliation story where
Rorschach just calls Dan a whore and a slut and a degenerate fornicator while they're fucking, and really really means it, and Dan sort of squirms and groans and takes it up the ass while Rorschach calls him a fag a lot, and Rorschach is all repressed and despairing etc., and then afterwards Dan sits up and grins and kisses him and is like, "that was great, baby," because he's into consensual humiliation and loved it, and poor Rorschach is superconfused. LOLZ.
2) I am considering getting a dog. Seriously considering it. I emailed the landlords to ask if it'd be okay. Can I afford a dog? Can I make time enough and effort enough for a dog to be fair to the dog? These are my worries. Do I love dogs beyond all reason? Do I know very well that a dog would improve my mental health significantly? The answer to these latter questions is yes. Anyway, I've been shopping around. And looking at a lot of pictures of puppies. Oh my gosh, puppies are cute. I want one really badly. I might get one. The local SPCA has some prime candidates. This feels like a huge life decision! Anyway.
Those are the things I have been doing.
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