HOLY SHIT YALL, how great has White Collar been so far this season? THIS GREAT! I cannot even deal. What with the intense and amazing and obvious love between Neal and Peter, the hot kickass black lesbian character who gets a backstory and a personality (DIANA ILU), and the sheer fun of it all, I am just over the moon. I don't even care when it doesn't make sense, because it's like really really good fanfic that loves the characters and doesn't do that much research into the plot elements - it's so much fun and so much about peoples' FEELINGS and so invested in making all characters as awesome as possible that the actual workings of the plot seem trivial . . . and that's what I need from a show. People. Plus the wacky heists don't hurt.
(Leverage, I'm looking at you. Remember when I loved you this much? Memories.)
Anyway, I have now decided that White Collar is on a par with Mythbusters in terms of Shows Most Likely To Make Me Laugh and Clap With Pure Delight. High praise indeed.
It's funny, because the show is obviously (somewhat) dedicated to making (some of) the female characters superawesome; Elizabeth was superawesome last year, and Diana is superawesome now (seriously, I almost swooned when she shot that guy and then stood on his face in stiletto heels, SWOONED) and it seems pretty clear that while Awesome Ladies is agenda #2 after Neal And Peter Loooooove Each Other (or possibly #3 after Mozzie Is Lolarious), it's still up there in the top agendas, and frankly that's more than most shows do for me. (If Diana, June, or Elizabeth could talk to other women sometimes - hey, even each other! - that would also be nice, though).
But then the structure of the show is classic manpain sexism: first season is OMG Neal has to find Kate, who is nothing more than a plot object to make Neal sad and cause events to happen. Second season is apparently OMG Neal has to find out who killed Kate, who is still nothing more than a plot object to make Neal sad and cause events to happen. Classic, classic manpain and reduction of female characters to depthless plot devices who motivate The Menz. They fridged her and everything! I'm so weirded out by this! It doesn't help that the arc plot and the episode plots never mesh smoothly, so I always feel like I've been watching one show until the Arc Plot Scene shows up and makes me feel like I'm watching some completely different show. Comparing Elizabeth's role on the show, or Diana's role in this episode, to Kate's role on the show, makes me feel dizzy with the incompatibility of it all.
In short, White Collar: I'm loving the episodes! Stop it with the tacked-on sexist manpain structure - it doesn't suit you, and you can do better.
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