So, check it out: I am writing fic for the first time in basically a million years. So exciting! But also hard. I keep shying away from it because I get tired, and having to force myself to go back. It's like draaaaagging the words out of myself. Isn't it odd how something you love, turned into an obligation or rendered no-longer-habitual, becomes tedious and hard to face?
Anyway, I shouldn't complain too much - it's not THAT hard to face, because it is after all a story I love dearly and want to see finished. Its working title is "SOCIALIST SPACE PIRATE REFERENCE LIBRARIANS IN LOVE." I will not disclose the fandom, but I bet you can guess.
And, I've been meaning to say this for several days now, but, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for all the sweet and lovely things you said over at the love meme the other day; I was really touched. Seriously - some of your comments are so full of so much love that I don't even know how to respond to them; I just want to grab you all up and hug you (or express extreme amounts of affection in another manner of your choice). Anyway, I'm looking at them and sometimes I try to type responses, but don't know what to say except thank you, and that's not sufficient, so. But. Thank you. It meant a lot to me. I love you too.
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