home again!

Jul 01, 2010 09:43

For the curious: hello, I have successfully arrived back in the US. I was here yesterday too, but then I spent all my time attempting to read ALL THE INTERNETS and get caught up that I was then too exhausted to post. But hi! I have returned!

But I did have a fabulous time in France with
anatsuno, as I expected really. We hung out in her little country village for a while and I rested up after the giant whirlwind tour of Italy that
toft and I did, and then we moved on to Paris where we again did some tourism. I ttly went to see Gertrude Stein's house at 27 Rue de Fleurus, guys! It was completely lovely and made my heart go pitter-pat. Also I hung out at the Louvre a bit (most! ridiculous! museum! ever! seriously, I kind of don't like it at all), did the Musee D'Orsay (fun museum, if badly curated and laid out), and did most of the Musee National d'Art Moderne at the Centre Georges Pompidou (my favourite of them all! in addition to a huge show of modern lady artists, it was well curated and lovely and had cool shit and also let's face it I love modern art more than other arts). Also we went on a boat on the Seine and did other touristy things, la la Eiffel Tower la la Hotel de Ville la la Notre Dame, etc. Paris is huge and amazing and ridiculous and overwhelming, and too much of a city for me to ever live there, but it was lovely to visit. Most of all it was lovely to visit
anatsuno, who is one of my favourite humans.

But it is nice to be home and eat the foods of home and play the video games of home and go to the grocery store of home and sleep in the bed of home. Home! I am going to go hiking and swimming this week for sure. Also, now I must prepare for the influx of visitors that
eruthros and I are going to have in August - for some bizarre reason, we are functioning this august as a sort of fan nexus, which really pleases me greatly. We get to see all kinds of awesome people! While not leaving our home! Ideal.

Catching up on the internets yesterday meant catching up on all this stuff about VVC - I previously saw the stuff about the problematic accessibility statement, and had read along with that, but had missed all the talk about warnings until recently. I have in me so many things I want to say about this issue, because it makes me feel so angry and frustrated, but I don't know if I'm going to post about it or not. Having seen in the past the extremely unwelcoming attitude that some (though, thankfully, not all) people in vidding fandom have, especially towards us Dreamwidther academic elitist ivory tower PC-policing offense-taking squee-harshing art-hating overly-demanding censorship bitches who never have a good word to say about anyone and never say thank you for anyone's hard work, I am not sure it's necessarily something I have the energy to get into. Which is probably why I've seen at least four big posts about this issue go by flocked, I guess. Anyway, I am watching those posts and feeling generally sad and discouraged. (For some background, check out this post (with which I agree) by
yhlee, and this post (with which I agree) by
thuviaptarth, and this post (with which I vehemently disagree) by jarrow.)

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i have a friend on the internet, vvc omg, round round get around i get around

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