some links with extremely varied content

Jun 16, 2010 13:08

Thanks to
chagrined for linking me to this post on LJ, in which a poll about which episode of SGA was the gayest (that doesn't even include Sunday! What!) turned into a giant nostalgia-party for John Sheppard and how ridic he is. I loled and loled! Esp. at the bits where people were like, "JOHN YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO TALK A GUY INTO FEEDING HIMSELF TO A MONSTER YOU COULD'VE JUST TOLD RODNEY HOW YOU FELT." Oh SGA. You will always have a special place in my heart.

On a completely different note, thanks to
general_jinjur for making this amazing post about podfic and so many things to do with podfic - oh, this post has my heart. I think everyone ever should read it! Or at least anyone who is interested in podfic. And possibly also people who aren't interested in podfic. Basically it's beautiful and brings up many important and complex issues surrounding podfic that I wish we all talked about more.

On a completely different note from that completely different note, this post by
deepad is a most hilarious, pointed, and cutting satire, but then the comment threads are EVEN BETTER, seriously. If you read the post and skipped the ingenious comments, you are missing out. Anyone who says that social justice activists don't have a sense of humour (or that humour and activism can't go together) does not hang out near the incredibly cool people I hang out near. *stars in eyes*

And on yet another note,
damned_colonial posted the complete list of vids from the Wiscon vid party, and I missed it while travelling but now I am rolling around in it! So many vids! That party sounds like it was such a blast and I am ttly jealous of all of you who were there. Also I am blushingly pleased to have been included in such an awesome company of vidders. :D

toft already posted about this, but while we were in Italy it appears that our little mythbusters fandom grew up! Oh sniff, I am so proud! It is my dream to one day make it to fandom_wank, but this is already most wonderful. Let's all write some fic about Jamie the BDSM sex god to celebrate.

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podfic, mythbusters, deixis, recs, wtf fandom, i am gay for john sheppard

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