I call this meeting to order

Feb 24, 2010 18:01

First, old business! Let me say THANK YOU to all who voted in my Extremely Important Poll the other day. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see that the balance of people believe John Sheppard to be worse at dirty talk than an ANDROID or AN ANGEL WHO DOESN'T UNDERSTAND PLANET EARTH. oh lolz.

And now on to new business! In my capacity as
kink_bingo mod, I am asking for your help. Please please please go over here and tell
eruthros about your fandom and its kinks. We're looking for examples of kinky fandom moments for the kink wiki, and you - yes, you! random fan on the street! - can ttly be of great help to us. If you have ever, like, seen tv or read a comic book or anything, you qualify for this task.

Other new business: wow, there are many many many new people around here since last week! Welcome, new people. I automatically grant access to anyone who subscribes, in order to give you access to this set of posts. If you're a new person, you don't have to be shy about commenting or anything - just feel free to drop in and comment any old time. If you subscribed for the fat acceptance activism, well . . . I hope you also like fandom! I talk about fannish stuff a lot.

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ask the internet, kink bingo, chatter

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