Fourth Round Sign Ups!

Mar 21, 2009 21:59

The fourth round of Things Unwritten is now beginning! Here's to hoping things go a lot more smoothly than last round.

Things Unwritten Fourth Round Sign-Ups

The Sign-Ups are closed and will remain so until March 30, 2009. That gives you all a little over a week to sign up, and then about a month to write your stories.

To sign up, simply comment to this post with the form below filled out. (Comments are screened.) Also, it would help if you joined the community. That helps us give you posting access and reminders.

LJ name:
Email Address: (We need to give you your assignment somehow!)

Describe a fic you would like to see (plus rating): (Make this as challenging or as easy as you want. However, please attempt to be specific - that helps us find the perfect match. Not too specific, though - try to find a balance, and don't write the story for your writer. Give them some room to be creative!)
Things you DON'T want:

Describe what you would like to write: (This will not necessarily mean you will get this. This helps us find an assignment for you.)
Things you will not write: (i.e. kinks, rating, that sort of thing)

Can you be a pinch-hitter if something happens to someone? If yes, you may be contacted through email or an LJ PM and asked to look at a prompt and see if you can pinch hit it. Thank you!

I will respond to these forms via comment and via email, so you will get two confirmations that you were accepted. This is also to check that your email is working.

Anyone is welcome to join in. The minimum word count for these stories is 1,000 words. Please send any questions or complaints to or comment to this post and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Sign-ups close March 30, 2009.
Assignments are handed out April 2nd, 2009. (This date may be off by one or two days, depending on how difficult it is to match people up.)
Fics are posted April 19, 2009, and then you'll have one week to post stories.
Event ends April 25, 2009. (Suggestions Post goes up, pitch-hitters are alerted to any final fics missing, etc.)

Thank you!

fourth go at things, modpost

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