Stories go up!

Oct 30, 2008 19:59

Post your stories today and please get them up as soon as you can! If you do not submit a story by November 7, 2008, we will be seeking a pinch hitter for your story. However, if you let us know by then that you'll be late or whatnot, we'll see about an extension.

Please remember to include this as your header!

Now, to fill in the bit in the form where you name the person you're writing the story for, refer to this list:

bellumina writes for kingzgurl.
sandykidd writes for bellumina.
wellowned writes for sandykidd.
dragon_badfaith writes for newtypeshadow.
ms_author writes for odette_river.
x_disturbed_x writes for pwnedkitten.
odette_river writes for ink_n_imp.
sapphire_melody writes for wellowned.
sporadic__ writes for zekkass.
kingzgurl writes for sporadic__.
newtypeshadow writes for dragon_badfaith.
pwnedkitten writes for x_disturbed_x.
theillusionist writes for sapphire_melody.
ink_n_imp writes for theillusionist.
zekkass writes for ms_author.

I'll strike off lines as stories come in, and use it as a checklist. I will also use this to sort out who needs pinch hits and whatnot.

Thank you all for writing and participating, even if you couldn't make the deadline. It's alright, and please do consider returning next time. :]

third go at things, modpost

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