Jan 08, 2006 20:23
Sometimes you're better off just putting the fucking lotion in the basket...
I just got done reading a war of words. Well, not so much a war, but a fucking literal face-smashing. I'm not going to mention who, mainly because I was told I wasn't supposed to know the circumstances surrounding it, but those who read this certain exchange of blog comments know exactly what I'm talking about. Three times a certain red-headed zilch tries to be witty and pop in a zinger, and three times he takes the proverbial fake cast to the back of the head in a work van. The only thing missing was a baratone mumble of "Are you about a size 14?" Some people respect kindness. Some people respect selflessness. I, on the other hand, respect the savage brutality that is the verbal prison raping of a jackass who doesn't know how to quit. So as you sit home fingering that coat hanger scar that, yes my friend was conceived shortly after you were, realize you were fucking destroyed by possibly the best thing you had going for you.
And to think I was almost over her.
P.S. Finch still sucks.