Jul 11, 2011 02:35

AUTHOR: doppelgangerqaf
BETAED BY: Unbetaed.
TIMELINE: I guess right after 403.
WORD COUNT: 733 words.
DISCLAIMER: True Blood and its characters are Alan Ball's, C. Harris' and HBO's properties and creations.
SYNOPSIS: Eric's third night at Sookie's...
A/N: Amnesia!Eric is my muse.

By Doppelganger

Eric woke up that night, alert but completely empty. Not in the sense that he didn't feel, he felt a lot these past couple of days- but his mind was empty. He looked forward to being around Sookie, who, the first night he met after his encounter with the coven, insisted that he knew... But he couldn't remember her. He wished he could... She made him feel - good inside. Alive, if he must say. He quickly climbed up the ladder that lead to the living room, then carefully opened the door to his nest. A smile was already on his lips, ready to greet her. When he found the house dark and empty, a sensation as dark and empty washed over him. This made him confused as part of him tried to fight having such emotions. And somehow, somehow he knew these feelings were something he didn't use to having...

He climbed out of the hole and he closed the door and secured its lock. His eyes adjusted to the dark as he walked around the living room. He turned the lamp on. As he walked past the couch, he spotted the remote for the plasma TV. He snatched it and quickly turned the TV on before proceeding to the kitchen. The local news came on. He walked to the fridge and found Sookie had left him a note:

Went to work. Tru Blood in the fridge.


He ran his forefinger across her writing and stared at it for a minute before opening the fridge. He found the pack of Tru Blood Sookie had stacked for him. He took one out and hesitated to open it. He thought it tasted like shit. The thought was convincing enough that he decided not to open the bottle. He placed it back in the fridge and walked back to the living room, passing the rug in front of the front door. He moved it with his foot as it appeared crooked to him.

He continued to the living room finding the news was excruciating to watch. All they talked about was eliminating vampires and fangbangers... Don't people get tired of the same old shit? He said to himself as he carefully sat on the couch. Realizing he sat on Sookie's throw pillows, he got up and moved them to the side before sitting back down. He found the blanket she liked to use when she was in the living room. It smelled like her. Sweet. He wrapped it around his shoulders as he stared at the TV. He switched the channel and found a film which caught his attention. A few minutes into it, he started to frown. "Vampires don't sparkle..." he muttered, his eyebrows tied in a knot. "I definitely do not do that..." He said out loud this time then decided he had enough of the movie and changed the channel. Everything else was just as uninteresting to him. He then got up and walked around the house; from the living room to the kitchen to the kitchen back to the living room. He'd never been upstairs (or so he thought he hadn't, he wasn't sure) and he wanted to take a look, after all, this was his house, right? But then he thought, if Sookie wasn't around, it wouldn't be right. He then decided to go back to the living room where he sat in front of the television once again. He caught another movie, this time he was able to sit and watch it.

"You are my love... and my life, always.
Then, I give you life eternal. Everlasting love. The power of the storm. And the beasts of the earth. Walk with me to be my loving wife, forever."

Eric, too deep in the movie, was unaware that someone had opened and closed the front door, only whe he smelled the newcomer he quickly got up. "WHO'S THERE?"

"Eric, it's me," Sookie said, a bit shaken but quickly recovered.

"Sookie," Eric then smiled. "I... Didn't hear you coming..."

Sookie searched for Eric's face in the dimmed light; there was confusion and amazement in her face. "What are you doing in the dark, Eric?" She said and peeked behind him and saw what he was watching. Dracula, she thought, her frown deepened.

"I'm..." Eric's eyes wandered, her blanket in one hand, then finally looked at her, "I was waiting... For you..."

FIN (Or to be continued if you would like more?)

fic: eric/sookie

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