Sep 27, 2010 20:39

AUTHOR: doppelgangerqaf
BETAED BY: Unbetaed.
TIMELINE: Post-308/309 after Bill and Jessica 'bonded'.
WORD COUNT: 356 words.
DISCLAIMER: True Blood and its characters are Alan Ball's, C. Harris' and HBO's properties and creations.
SYNOPSIS: Bill and Jessica did more bonding...
A/N: Written for trueblood_las Challenge: Karaoke.

By Doppelganger

A loud screeching noise filled Bill’s ear as the microphone bounced sound to the speaker’s set in his living room. A terrified look crossed Bill’s face but it was quickly erased when he saw his child vampire almost bounced off the couch as she merrily clapped in encouragement.

His hand that held the mike dropped to his side. “Tell me again why we must do this?” He frowned, his Southern accent as strong as ever.

“Bill!” Jessica’s crystal blue eyes widened, “We’re having a child/maker moment...”

“And what does it have to do with me singing karaoke again?”

“We’re bonding Bill!”

“There are lots of other things we can do to bond such as pract--”

Jessica exasperatedly sighed and fell back on the couch suddenly looking terribly disappointed, “We’ve done that already! And didn’t you tell me I’ve improved?” Jessica crossed her arms on her chest, “And a lot.”

“That is very true--”

“You’ve been gone for a very long time, Bill. I was left here all by myself,” Jessica sat up and pointed to herself as she said her lines that appeared to Bill as if rehearsed.

Please, not again... Bill thought to himself as Jessica’s eyes started to turn pink and in a moment, she would be crying. Again. Bill was instantly reminded of the hour he had spent with Jessica as the young vampire shared with him everything-- she talked about being lonely AND-- Hoyt. He certainly did not have to know most of the things she had told him. And it seemed that she would again start pouring herself to him...

“Jessica,” Bill then spoke, his hand that held the mike raised to get the young vampire’s attention, “Crying... Is not necessary at this point...” We’ve had enough. He wanted to add but instead gave out a weak smile. “Shall we proceed?”

Jessica’s face brightened, her hands clapped once again in encouragement, “Oh this is going to be so much fun!”

The horror on Bill’s face was undeniable as the lyrics to a song entitled ”Use Somebody” appeared on the monitor. For once, he could not wait for the dawn to come...


fic: one shot

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