Private Journal Entry

May 03, 2006 10:53

I can't believe it happened again. I really can't believe it happened again. I have to tell Roy but I can't tell him about that, just the wolf thing. I just got beaten up. All that happened. That'll give him enough reason to kill Victor on its own, right?

And then he'll be dead and I won't have to worry about him anymore, not that I'm really scared of him, now. More of... what he's like. And definitely of how me makes me feel.

I took a two hour shower last night. I scrubbed until I bled, but all the skin came back. There're some good things about being a wolf, even if I didn't want it. I mean, I went for a run this morning and... well, wow.

Of course, I also nearly bit the barista's head off at the Cometbucks across town when she messed up my latte. I usually manage sarcasm, but not full-on rage. And it was just a damn coffee. This is fucked up and I'm not sure what I can do about it. Just accept it again, I guess. Eat babies. That sort of thing.

And I'm definitely going to avoid Victor. Bastard.


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