Private Journal Entry- Locked to Everyone

Apr 16, 2006 02:41

I must be insane. This is stupid. Why do I need it so badly?

Can I really kill give up R&D? It's easy to say I'll do it, it's easy to be willing to do it, but I don't know if I really can. They're almost as important, after all. But it's the almost...

Why is he offering to do this? What's in it for him? I need to think about it. I can back out if I want. But I need the power back. I can't stand waiting for something to hurt me like I know it will. This body feels so inferior. I hate it.

I hate feeling so open to pain and misery. I hate being so god-fucking-damned vulnerable.

But if there's a way to get my power- any power- back without killing them, I will. I love them, after all. Dessa said you don't kill the ones you love and I hope to high heaven I won't have to.

private, angst

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