(no subject)

Oct 20, 2006 11:23

If I were glass, I would be see-through. Clear and cold, frostferned. A window, looking in on an old abandoned house. People used to live there, but they don't anymore. Sometimes people would light fires behind me, but I'd be cold to the touch until they could melt the ice off.

I don't have curtains- they were ripped up a long time ago. There's a few tattered rags hanging from a rod, but everything's visible unless you close the shutters.

If you look out from the inside, there are woods close around- pine woods, dark and crisp and spicy. They've crowded in on the lawn, springing up until almost no light reaches me. Sometimes just a ray. But that's the way I like it.

I've got a few cracks- kids throwing rocks, or just temperature changes. There's one place where a brick went through, leaving a hole. Someone covered it up with cardboard later.

But it's all good. I'm clean and clear.
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