OOC Meme Totally Stolen From leavemea_lone

Aug 13, 2006 03:39

What is your character's name?
Oracle Kaitlyn Fraser. Ori, for short, and the Kaitlyn part is never mentioned.

How old is he/she?
Between two thousand and two million years old, but thanks to my unsurety of when she woke up, I have no fucking clue aside from that.

What is your character's race/species?

Do they have a crush?
Yes. But it's all heartbreaky and stuff.

Do they have many friends?
No, she's not good with people

What planet is your character from?
Eyarth. Canadialand, to be precise.

Does your character like to eat?
She likes Italian food and sweets, but otherwise can take or leave this whole 'sustenance' thing.

What's his/her favorite food?
Cheese tortellini.

What's his/her favorite drink?
Tequila. Straight.

Is your character annoying?
She really, really is.

Name the 5 most annoying things about your character.
1) Irritating on purpose
2) Firmly believes she's better than you
3) Changes her mind every ten seconds
4) Pathological liar
5) Tends to make much of herself

Is your character loved? (as in does anyone have a crush on them?)
Of course! Everyone loves Ori

Is your character hated?
...well, except some people.

Is she/he emo/goth?
She's been called emo. And she likes goth clothing.

Is she/he straight, bisexual, or gay?
She loves everyone except those she hates which is mostly everyone.

So, yes, bi.

Is she/he a virgin?
Ahahaha, no.

Name 3 hobbies
1) Violence
2) Sex
3) Embroidery

Is your character normal?
Hells no.

Is your character attractive?
She sure is.

How does your character handle emotions?
She doesn't like them very much. Depending on the emotion, she either ignores it, yells at herself for it, or has far too much of it.

Does your character have other forms?
Yes. Lots of them. Her favourites are catgirl, cat, and male.

Does your character overreact?
...no. Not at all. Ever. /sarcasm

Is your character a criminal?
She's innocent as a newborn lamb.

Does your character go to school?
Ori is... well, literate and barely numerate, but not much else. She never did go to school.

What's his/her IQ?
She's intelligent, at 132. Her low level of education really isn't her fault- she'd have done well if she went to school.

Does your character have a disease/curse?

Is your character dead?
She was, but she got better.

Does your character have a family?
She killed most of them.

Has he/she encountered any tragic times in life?
...no, it's sunshine and daisies all the way through.

What's the best time in your character's life?
Probably the first couple of years of her deityhood.

Is your character single?
She's very taken by a possessive supervillain and a cute wereheron. Of course, she still does sleep around.

Has he/she developed any relationships?
Outside of her main one? Yes, she's friends with a few people. Mostly slightly grudgingly on her part. She's not good at it.

Does he/she have an element?

Do you roleplay your character?

Do you write about your character?
Terrifyingly enough, yes. Mostly slightly frightening porn.

Does your character have a bad temper at times?
She views the world with tolerance and forebearance and a firm believe that it would be better off dead. Yes, she has a bad temper at times.

Does your character get depressed?
Yeah, and it usually makes her bloody stupid.

What's your character's favorite animal?
She likes cats. And dogs. And ferrets. And snakes. And other scaly things. And butterflies.

Does your character have any fears?
Ho yes. But it's more than my life's worth to say what they are.

Does your character have any weaknesses?
Again with the 'she'll hit me' if I say.

Does your character look up to anyone?
No, she really doesn't.

Does your character like music?
She's hugely musical.

What's your character's favorite type of music?
She has favourites from all genres.

Is he/she impatient?
Unless it's waiting for something important, yes.

What's something funny about your character?
She has a very funny sense of humour, I've been told.

Does your character curse?
Far more than is good for her.
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