[Private Journal Entry]

Jul 04, 2006 01:42

I'm fickle. Like a butterfly in a breeze.

I'm trying not to develop a crush on Tucker- or at least not let my crush develop into anything more- but he's so good. It's hard. I spent the night with him on Friday. I'm a dirty, dirty girl, but it was fun like Roy only gets when I beg hard enough.

I wonder if he'd do it every night...

No, bad Ori. That way lies break-up thoughts. Behave and bother Roy for more kink.

Although that usually ends in misery and me at the club again. And if Tuck's there, I'd go with him in a New York Minute. I guess I'm just fucked. And not in the literal sense- at least at the moment.

Tuck's cozy, too. And he has a nice house. And a nice, cute brother. I don't know if he'd be able to handle me being a goddess, though. Maybe it's best just to play with him. Well, of course it is. Roy's the guy I love, I love Dessa, too. Always.

Meh. Morality- even barely there morality- isn't my thing. I can probably figure out some way around this.


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