Jul 04, 2004 11:04
hey everybody. sorry i havent updated in a while. i am on vacation! i went to new jersey and was on the beach all week with my mom(mom), my dad(dad), my little brother(zane), my older brother(zach), my sister-in-law(kim), kims sister(kara), karas boyfriend(eric), kims and karas mom(dori), kim and karas dad(doug), dougs wife(marleen), and dori's boyfriend who we all hate except for dori of course(bob a.k.a. blob),erics little borther(brad), brads girlfriend(liz or elizabeth). me, mom, dad,zane,zach,kim,kara,eric, and dori were there the whole time (we rented a beach house). brad and liz were there for two days, doug and marleen were there for two different days, and blob was there for a day and the only reason he came was so we could get all the shit home in his van. we spent all week on the beach in new jersy and it was sooooo nice. there was no place to rent a surfboard so we went body boarding and skim boarding. on the boardwalk they had the best pizza in the whole entire world! then after the beach we all came to doris house in connecticut. david letterman lives in her town and all of these famous people live in her state...i.e. mike myers and martha stewart. im at doris house right now. then im gonna see my grandparents in florida, then im going to the best city in the whole entire world...new york city! where i am going to eat pizza the whole time i am there. now i want to tell you all about bob. he is very self centered and he smokes a lot of cigars. hes really fat and he eats like a slob. hes an alcholholic and he eats a lot of cheese even though he claims hes lactose intolorant. he hates the beach but was complaining that he wasnt invited to stay with us at the beach house and be at the beach with us. he eats everything he says hes allergic to. o yeah i forgot to say that we went to atlantic city...the parking lot smelled like pee. anyways atlantic city is where monopoly takes place!!!! i walked on the monopoly board!!!! i walked on north carolina ave. park place ave. and some other things that were from the monopoly board. OMG on the board walk(both the one in atlantic city and ocean city) there was this thing that it was like a caged ball that two people sat in. and then it flung you up over two hundred feet in the air. the cage thing was on bungee cords and it looked so scary. it was like bungee jumping but bad. insted of going down you go up!!!! it made my stomach jump to even watch. we saw the trump building and the monopoly boardwalk had a whole bunch of carnival games so we played one and my brother won a stuffed animal that was deffective but he gave it to me before we knew it was defective. the first night we were there i wasnt used to the time difference so brad my brother liz and i stayed up till one in the morning trying to find a pizza place that delivered after midnight. then we watched south park. o ya and in atlanctic city the moon was red. and zach won 160$in blackjack. so that has been my fun filled time her so far.
p.s. i miss everybody soooooooooo much!!!! i hope you all are having awesome summers so far
ppss this is the first time i have seen zach and kim in forever because they live in russia and they dont want anybody to visit them becasue they say that russia sucks and they hate it there and they are misrible but they cant leave for another year becasue of my brothers job. shit i have already said too much....this message will self destruct in 5-4-3-2-1 BOOM!!!!!!!