But I'm doggedly still going at memes and shizzle.
This may be an opportunity to get a decently early night for once.
I still have some reading for Thursday, and there's not a chance in hell I'm gonna get any done tomorrow XD
Also I have discovered the arse-end of all arse ends. It's called 'Chickipedia'. A comprehensive encyclopedia of mysogyny.
And it has a politics section, with profiles, often including the measurements, of largely conventionally attractie political women that I've never heard of, but then there's also Angela Merkel, Margaret Thatcher, Joan of Arc...
And the worst of it?
Eva Braun.
What kind of sick people are these?
Anyway, on a (much) lighter note, more interviews:
Becky's questions:
1) What would your ideal plotline for the Boosh movie be?
Hmmm, I dunno. I just want a big epic adventure that I can really get into. OBVIOUSLY it would have to focus around Howard and Vince. Aaaaaand, it should have them going to some kind of weird, exotic location, maybe like another planet or a weird dimension or something, on some kind of bizzare mission. Maybe they're there for a reason, or maybe they got there by accident and they just have to get back. Agh, it's hard to separate what I want to happen and what I think will actually happen- I think there will be something to come between the friendship of Vince and Howard, which will be resolved in a squeefest-inducing manner. I hope there will be a sex scene, however vaguley alluded to XD I'm holding Noel to his promise, lmao. But I think that it won't end in romance- it'll end in friendship with possibilities, because a slashy ending would mean the show itself would have to become an LGBT show instead of just a show with heavy LGBT overtones, which in this society is a pretty big responsibility, and it might be quite risky for them too. Tho obviously I'd respect them immensely of they did decide to go that way.
I want Dee and Sue to have an appearance. Preferably a pretty large one. Playing a couple, or a couple-in-potentia. Or, failing that, very-clearly-non-identical twins.
Tbh, I'm trying not to think about what I want to happen because it'll ruin it if the actual movie is nothing like that. But any of those fantastic adventure fics on ff net-
Howard's Oddyssey,
Passion and Peril, or even
Echo- would make a great Boosh movie.
2) Real CDs, or music downloads?
Real CDs. I don't download, because it just doesn't feel like really owning the music, plus I just don't like paying for something that isn't physically there.
3) Why did you decide to make the conversion from vegetarian to vegan?
It just seemed like the morally right thing to do. I mean, my issue is with the industries, not the products themselves- I'd happily eat eggs and dairy products if you could guarantee they were cruelty-free, but you can't. There's so much cruelty in both of those industries that I just felt wrong supporting them. So as soon as it was really feasible, which wasn't until September, when I started renting my own house instead of living in catered halls, I went vegan. And now that I've done it, I can't see myself going back on that unless my health is in serious danger, or I manage to find some way of getting cruelty-free eggs and dairy products. Which, short of getting my own cow and chickens, ain't gonna happen.
4) Ultra/Neon, or Anthrax/Ebola, and why?
Anthrax/Ebola all the way! They are my new OTP. I love them more than Howince.
I just sort of connected with them. I'm not sure why. Possibly because the characters have more subtle personalities than Neon and Ultra- they have a mystery and an enigma, and there's so much you can infer from them and fit into them. They're intriguing, and alluring. There's so much unsaid about them. I mean, for one thing, Anthrax is clearly the one who bit Ebola, but why? What's the relationship behind that? Is she actually a vampire, or is it her kink? Are they in love? You can do so much with them, and I've managed to create an entire backstory and dynamic for them. I just could never do that with the Electro girls.
Plus, I fancy the pants off of Anthrax. And Ebola.
5) *I iz gonna be shameless, everyone else is* What was your first impression of me?
Um... if I'm totally honest, I didn't really think of you that much at first. There were a lot of writers, and I didn't really take that much notice until I got to know you better later. And then you just seemed like a really nice person, with a lot of potential as a writer, and it was so cool watching you improve as you wrote more fics.
I'ma again be editing this if I get moar questions.
Tamsin's questions:
1- Okay so Nanageddon episode this is a het question...lol...I thought's I'd be a rebel lol...Vince and Howard Ebola and Anthrax who do u think would get off with each other and they can't slash it has 2 be het...lol...: D Why???
I think... Vince and Anthrax, because Noel and Dee are meant to be. Also, it was Vince who went out, posed as a warlock and brought them home, so he deserves all the fang-biting he gets, lmao. Howard and Ebola, because Anthrax would absolutely brutalise him, and he don't need that going on. I think Ebola would be fairly teasing and cruel to him, but she'd so it in a subtle way that he could ignore if he wanted to. Hell, maybe he'd come to enjoy it. But Anthrax would probably come close to committing grievous bodily harm because Howard would be nervous around her level of kink and probably wouldn't be able to say no. Vince can deal with that, and he'd probably enjoy it more.
2- Film of your life-who living dead, or whatever would play u? Why???
Agh, I really have no idea how to answer this. It'd have to be a symbolic representation or something, because I can't think of any actresses who look anything like me- they're all too natural/classically attractive (or aren't attractive art all but try to be, but I'll leave the ranting somewhere else for now XD). But then, my head lives in a weird world anyway, so my biopic would be a pretty abstract film. So I suppose anyone could do it, even a male. Probably someone totally androgynous, because that's how I see myself in my head. Tilda Swinton? Tho I'm not entirely hooked on that idea. Oo! D'you remember that perfume advery from years ago where the sailor comes through the galley or something, and then seduces the captain or whoever, and then takes his clothes off, and takes off a corset and he's actually a woman? I'd be played by her, maybe XD
Or Song Hye-Kyo
Or that guy in 'The Good, the Bad and the Weird'. Because I'm clearly having some form of racial identity crisis XD
3- Go into the past or go into the future? Why???
The past- if I went to the future and saw we were living in a Nineteen Eighty-Four style dystopia, or the apocalypse had come, it'd destroy me, especially knowing that you can't change that. I'd go back to the past and experience all the best bits. I've always wanted to party with Cleopatra. And I'd love to do a pagan ritual at Stonehenge.
4- 5 things u'd take with you 2 a desert Island and they don't have 2 be pratical food and water will be provided: D So go crazy: D Oh and why???
My laptop and some kind of epically powerful internet connection that would work over there, so I could still keep in touch with everyone and write fic and shizzle. Um... that may actually be all I'd need, lol. An unlimited supply of alcohol. A Frank N. Furter costume. And Jen, obviously.
5- Dinner party who would u invite??? They can be dead but not festering lol...and WHY???