You know those posts that can only really be summed up with the word "gmuh"

Jan 21, 2009 18:54

It's been a hectic day. Sort of. As hectic as a day can get when you spend the majority of it in bed. But to me, a desk is nothing more or less than storage space, so that's what I use it for. I work in my bed. A lot of people say you shouldn't do that, but I just find it comfortable. So it's been a hectic day for my brain. And for my body too, in some bits.

No, I didn't go to bed last night. Except in the sense that I put my pyjamas on so that I could work in bed. I didn't go to sleep. I worked. All night. Again. And all morning. And some of the afternoon. My essay was done. Not particularly well, i don't think- I didn't even have time to proofread it properly before I was out of the house, which may come back to haunt me- and it's under the word count, but at least it is done. So that took me till about twenty to four, then I was ready to print and run down to the office. Except the disc I thought was my printer software doesn't seem to be my printer software, so I couldn't print. So I had to borrow Ellis' memory stick because mine's disappeared off somewhere and detour off to Western Bank to print it off, which cost me 85p, and after I printed the essay I realised I'd forgotten to do a cover sheet but I'd run out of silver so I had to scrounge 5p off the girl next to me for the extra sheet. And then I pegged it to the office, got there 15 minutes late and found out that it was closed. So I wasted my time sprinting what is meant to be a twenty-minute walk (for someone with such tiny legs as mine, anyway), plus detour and spending money to print when I have a perfectly functional printer in my own fucking bedroom, and at the end of it all I still have the essay in my bag. Life is so frustrating. I know where I couldhave easily made up the time as well- I mean, there's the stuff I couldn't help like the printer being an arse, and my memory stick not being to hand, and the landlady turning up for the rent as I was trying to get the conclusion done, but if I had just spent more time getting on with it last night instead of reading about fantasy films or playing mah jong. If I hadn't spent an hour just sitting there like a zombie at 9am trying not to fall asleep. I suck.

And more bad news, I've lost the house next year. Ms Landlady had a group of four who said they wanted it before we did, and she lets it to whoever can sign the contract as a group of four first. This would happen on the exact day Steve puts an ad in his department *sigh*
She says she's got two five-bed houses tho, quite close to this one, so if we can find another three, I guess that'll be better than looking from scratch. I'll see what Steve says.

But I can't help it now, so I went to cheer myself up. I went to this little shop across the road, whose name I always try to remember but always forget, where everything is organic and vegetarian, and the vegan stuff is clearly marked, and it's dirt cheap, with student discount on top. And i got myself a Mexican chilli pasty and a can of kind-of-traditional lemonade, then I went to the union so I could sit somewhere nice and eat it. It was lovely. Then I checked my bank balance, and all that lovely moolah has gone in. I had something like £1472.81. Which will go down quite quickly when the landlady takes out the £715 I gave her earlier for the rent. And I owe Ellis £33 for the gas bill. But you know how you always say when you're skint that you'll plan better so your money lasts longer, and then when you get a lot of money you just think "fuck it, I deserve this" and go on a splurge?

I'ma wear it in March, just because of who it never fails to remind me of XD
And then I came home, and I want a shower, but there's someone here doing a survey for the government and asking Helen a load of questions, and I don't want to be taking my clothes off while she's here. Which sucks because I've been wearing the same dress since Saturday and I thought I'd just be having a shower as soon as I got in so I didn't bother turning up my jeans when I went out, so the bottoms are all manky.

But tonight, I've decided, no more work. I'll probs stay here until government lady goes, and then have a shower, probably just spend the entire evening in my dressing gown, have some dinner, probably just a jacket tater because I need to use that chilli from last night and I have some cheezly now, put a DVD on maybe, maybe after that I'll put something weird on and have a smoke, or maybe I won't. Might write a bit. I know I promised Kelly a oneshot a few nights ago, which I actually did mean to get done that night, but I was absolutely knackered.
Then I need an early night. Sometime between midnight and one maybe, so I can get up in the morning and get started on the other essay, and hopefully not get into such a horrible rush with that one.

less than good day, landlady, essays, clothes, money

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