One is a self-portrait of me last Sunday (why does the idea of this sound quite pretentious, even tho I'm sure there is no one in the world who hasn't done one?). and the other is my lover Kate Bush in her true form.
Soooo... went to rehearsal today. Spent most of it wondering when someone was going to open the bourbons. Then my mother called and I
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I feel a bit sad that all the other bisexuals I know live on the internet :( Straight and gay people are shunning me :( /paranoia
STD checks are never stupid or a waste of time. We're all having fun, but it's even better having safe fun ;)
Also, Femme Boosh=Yayz! (Thanks for archiving my Neon/Ultra ficlet btw)
It's weird how that's so true- logically, you'd think bisexuality would be the most common sexuality, since it can span so much, but you never actually meet any IRL unless they're an obscure friend of a friend. Still, at least you can go to gay nights and any other night without feeling like an imposter :-)
I am always gonna remember that quote in that context now... :-D
And no probs- the archive needs more of everything anyway.
I did go to the LGBT night at the union once, but I didn't pull because apparently I "looked like a straight". Which confused me, since just being there in the first place would surely send out a certain message.
I want a nice girlfriend. Or a boyfriend. But girlfriend for preference please, all the best boys are fictional. Whatever. Someone who loves me and laughs at my jokes would be good.
I'm exactly the same- I'll flirt with anything that moves, but I'm so commitment phobic that as soon as it looks like it's going to turn into anything else, I clam up. Even if I actually want it to turn into something else.
Maybe you should wear a shirt that says 'Come and get me, Girls' or something. Because slogans are clearly my answer to everything, lol.
Slogans are clearly the solutions to all life's ills. My favourite is "No you're confused. I'm bisexual ;-p"
If Eleanor was actually real, I'd marry her.
Lol, Jamie (buttonsmagoo- let's hope I got the html right) once wrote a few of us into a fic to say thanks for writing her birthday fic, she asked me if I had any requests for the ending, and I just sort of scremed "GIVE ME ELEANOR!"
Oo- women in men's tailored suits always do it for me.
When I have money, I really want to get myself a men's suit.
I've never actually watched The L Word, but I've heard a lot of people talking about Shane.
Why do I also have a thing for women with men's names? I'm weird.
And they say some mean things about bisexuals in the show "Fucking choose already" being in one of the first episodes.
That being said Shane is yum. You put up with political disagreements if there's eyecandy Oh please god, don't let this ploy of McCain's actually fucking work...
I get that feeling with a lot of 'lesbian' things- that's why I can't stand that Katy Perry song. She knows full well her boyfriend's gonna have a field day with it and that's the only reason she did it.
Argh, pisses me off.
Yanno that's what I thought, but there's a site of erotic RPF about her now 0_o The mind boggles.
Katy Perry. I want to throttle the biphobia propaganda spewing wench! Is it wrong that I was happy when I heard she upset people by posing with a switch blade for an official photo? I was like, guys she's been upsetting me all fucking summer. It's about time you woke up to the fact she's evil incarnate. /epic
I think I may have to go vomit.
I've just been trying to ignore Katy Perry. I had no idea she posed with a switchblade. But I totally share your wanting to throttle her. The way she sings that boyfriend line is just so evilly smug.
It's a shit song musically as well.
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