I'm so so sorry this took so long. I have now sorted myself out with a new lappy charger, so I can now once again whore the internet for as long as I like.
That now said, BOOSH TIEM.
I think I'll just go on with being all squee-ish and fangirly. Hum hum.
So before I start getting into spoilers, some nondescriptive highlights of the show.
There's a lot of new songs, which is always good, tho I can't quite remember any off the top of my head. They were very good tho. And audience participation, which everyone got involved in. And leg warmers. On Bob Fossil. Bright neon pink ones. I liked those.
Not forgetting, of course, all the lovely bare legs... *melts* And the oft-repeated phrase "I can see your testicles" being rather true...
And could I also ask that if you want to talk about this in a comment, could you put a spoiler warning in the subject line.
If I'm honest, I don't think it was as good as the last show. It suffered from having no concrete plot- the whole premise was basically Vince and Howard having a stage and an audience to muck around with. So the good points were obviously the banter, which was just all cheeky and classic and you know why we all love just sitting there and listening to them talk. Tony Harrison's bit was brilliant too. Especially his exit, which consists of Bollo pushing him off (Noel's costume being a giant chair which he crawled inside and stuck his head out) teasing him about uncomfortable costumes. And at some random point, Noel pulled this silver streamer from above the stage and someone on the front row asked if he could have it, which Noel seemed to find very amusing.
There was a bit with the Hitcher, when Noel ran out into the audience teasing people and spouting mild abuse, and since I was right on the end of the row, he must have passed within two feet of me. Later on, just before they did 'Eels' he looked straight at me, asked me if I wanted it, and said he'd do it just for me. I CAN HAZ FANGIRRRL MOMENT, PEEPULZ!!
I didn't like the second half quite as much- I'd rather see a story about Howard and Vince, if you know what I mean, rather than a story told by Howard and Vince as they continually try and upstage each other. The play written by Howard is so hilariously pretentious tho, and Vince's mid-show hijacking is classic. As obviously, is his costume.
Howard's is very revealing nice revealing too.
I'm less keen on the false beard tho. Bleurgh.
And then of course, there's this:
Excuse me while I scream a minute: BELLY! HIPS! LEGS! WIG! CORSETRY...
Thank you.
Decadently beautiful, methinks.
But isn't it odd how even the most shameless heckler from intimate standup gigs can get all nervous and self-conscious in a big arena tour?
And the afterparty was straight after. If I'm honest, like Jen said, it could have been a lot better. We got in, we had some drinks and tried (in vain) to start off a Mexican dance wave, and some very happy random person grabbed me for a photo because we'd both bought the Nabootique shopper bags. RID were on first on the main stage, and tho my knowledge of them still leaves a lot to be desired, I got straight into it. Me and Jen basically danced like loons on not much alcohol, and I called Bryony and basically just held the phone to the stage for however long. My parents certainly cannot complain about me not using all my minutes this month.
Tho unfortunately, this is about as good as my pictures got.
And I didn't even get many.
I do have some videos tho, and when I'm less tired and can be bothered to figure out what I need to do to play them properly, I'll stick them on youtube and stick them in here.
So, while they were playing, Rich and Mike crept in through the back door, and I didn't see them, tho Jen grabbed me to tell me they were there.
After that Dave and Mike did a DJ set, and Jen and I danced like loons on slightly more alcohol. And Noel popped up every so often posing in the DJ box, tried to crowd surf and got mobbed by twats. And at present I am vaguely tipsy and in a fairly peaceful mood, and I've complained about the twats and the general elitism that went on in
Jen's writeup, so I won't get into that now.
I'll focus instead on something that excited me rather a bit.
So I was dancing, when suddenly someone came up behind me and gave me a smack on the arse. I turned around just quick enough to see someone running away, and from my eyes he looked suspiciously like Noel. And yes I know that had Noel so much as attempted to get that far back on the dancefloor, he would have been ambushed by crazed fucktards, but goddammit, I like my fantasy. I was on the second row that very night and I was dressed very brightly, for all I know he could have stored me in his short-term memory and decided to single out my booty.
I'm sorry, I needed to get that off my chest.
Ahem. On Wednesday there was no Boosh. Thus, that day was largely uninteresting.
Thursday involved something vaguely Boosh related, tho it was the pre-Boosh things that were most fun about the night. I was out with USLES on their Candid Camera social, which is basically where you have a list of challenges and you have to have photographic evidence of having done them. I didn't jump in a lake, tho I would have liked to, but someone told me it would have basically meant skinny dipping in the pond at Crookes Valley Park, which is apparently full of turds.
I did, however,
get thrown out of the silent area in the IC for pretending to be a rabbit under a desk, which was slightly unfair as we were being silent in there, I
crammed into a phonebox,
mucked around in a lift,
hedge hopped, and the existence of
this photo surely means that I am the most insane sober person that you have ever seen.
And then we buggered off to Plug for Mike's DJ set. He was in the indie room, generally playing good tracks, but most of the people I was with wanted to go into the main room, which I quite detest. I mean, being packed into one dancefloor like sardines whist attempting to groove to Girls Aloud and the Backstreet Boys etc etc without getting trodden on or elbowed in the face is all very well and good when you're pissed, but I wasn't and I couldn't enjoy it. So when I lost everyone and couldn't get through the crowd to find them, I gravitated back towards the indie room. I had some fun, and then when Mike had finished I found some of the Beechwood crew and partayed with them for the rest of the night.
Um, yeah. Twas alright.
And then Friday was the signing. The day didn't start well. The phantom pregnancy came out in full swing and I woke up with morning sickness. I didn't actually throw up, but I felt ill until about 11:15.
On a much better note tho, Michael was fine with me coming to the 10 o' clock seminar instead of the 11 o' clock, and I managed to blag it without having actually read the book. Which is a habit I'm really trying not to get into, and failing miserably. I haven't read 'Nights at the Circus' for this week's seminar, or my Freud theory for tomorrow. Bad, I know.
But not the point.
I got to Meadowhall quite late because the tram took longer than I expected, and then I couldn't find Jen outside until she called me to say that she was inside and had saved me a spot right near the front of the queue. I ran down to Ann Summers to find that the cock lollies were actually much bigger than I thought they were, so I got some jelly boobies to balance it out. And then we had fannish conversations and a mini picnic on the floor in WH Smith.
Jen gave me her little Saboo Fimo badge.
Or would he not be, if I my phone camera had better resolution?
I pinned him onto the 'SEX?' tee. Which I almost chickened out of wearing, and considered just leaving my hoodie on. But Jen convinced me not to.
It's an absolute monstrosity which must never see the light of day again.
So yeah, I wore it for the next four nights out.
When the Boosh appeared, there was thankfully less screaming than I'd expected, and as they posed for impromptu photos Ju covered his face with a copy of the Book. Unfortunately the only photo I got shows people holding up cameras to take photos. Posed photos weren't allowed because they'd hold up the queue.
Smiths were trying to be painfully efficient about the whole thing, so only Noel and Julian were there, as having anyone else would prolong the queueing. We were ushered in, passed the Books along, had them signed and were pretty much shoved out of the way for more people to be herded in. All in all it lasted about 30 seconds, and all I had time to say to them was that Lucie hadn't been able to make it down.
Mr Fucking Huge was surprisingly friendly after all the stories I'd heard about him, but he still wouldn't let me get Jamie's cartoon signed. I know I've apologised already, but I am really sorry about that darlin.
He was really quite intimidating tho.
I gave them the cock lollies and jelly boobies, but they didn't open them at the time, as I had to pass them directly to Mr Fucking Huge. I'm actually kind of relieved about that. Except I'm not.
So after about 30 seconds it was all over. Kind of anti-climatic.
And no one noticed the 'SEX?' top. Tho I did wear it to Last Laugh on Sunday, and John Scott loved it so... ha.
But Jen got us chips and we just sat in the food court and talked about fic and fandom and chainsaws and the general oddness of life. Which was a hilarious few hours.
And here is a wee sneak preview for Lucie.
I've bought a jiffy bag, so I'll post it to you ASAP.
I also promised to scan the programme of the show, but because of thr size of it, I'll do that in another post.
Y'know, if nothing else, the events of last week have reminded me that I love fans so much more than fandom. It's not the people who inspire the fic that I'm here for, it's the people who read them.
You're just more fun.
I'll leave you with something that made me smile in the panto script:
MIRROR - Well, my lady, in times past,
You were the fairest, but that could not last.
For this new bride is fairer than you,
I don’t want to speak but know that it's true.
Yes this beautiful, young girl called Sue Denim,
Her beauty is that of the greatest Hymn!
Edit: Kwah, the post time thing says 10:31pm. When I finally finished, it was twenty to two.