I have lost so much resistance over the summer it's unreal. I had four pints last night and this morning I'm feeling noticeably groggy- y'know, that feeling that's like a hangover that hasn't grown up yet. Not a hangover but a lot of slow-headedness. Yeah, either you know what I mean or you don't, and I'm just embarrassing myself trying to describe it.
So I went to Fuzz Club last night. I got a text from Louise from the day before saying she doesn't have internet access so can't get on facebook very easily, but she asked if I wanted to come round some time. I sent her one back saying I'd love to, and asked if she was doing anything that night because I was quite frankly bored shitless in the house. She didn't reply, so I went to Fuzz on my own.
Aaaaaaaaaand, I am yet to see if this comes to anything, but... girlfriend?
Her name is Izzy, she's in the Rock Society and she has pink hair with shaved bits at the side like Sue Denim. And there is so much that could have stopped us from meeting, that the embarrassingly romantic part of me wonders if on some level it was meant to happen. Which is quite pathetic considering we were together for probably less than an hour. But, teh factz...
Fuzz had sold out when I got there (this is what you get for taking too long to get ready and not pre-buying a ticket in Freshers' Week), so I was going to just have a few drinks in Bar One and see if anything was going on, but I met some nice fresher boys who sold me a spare ticket.
I was with said fresher boys (one of them is starting English Lit and he asked me what the course was like. I said he'd enjoy it.) until they disappeared while I was at the bar, so I got a bit pissed on my own and went dancing. This was when Izzy came up to me saying I looked lonely.
I even did something that would normally be a complete fail, i.e. gagging whilst downing a pint and spitting beer on the floor right in front of her (on four pints... what has happened to me?), but she thought it was funny and even took me into the loos so I could get the beer off my face.
She said the Rock Soc's going out every night for the next week except Sunday, and I could meet her at 7 in Bar One.
Ahem: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would it be scuzzy to wear the same shirt two nights in a row?
Right, okay, embarrassing pathetic gushing over.
I have been inspired to write Gorillaz fanfic. I was writing some ages ago for fun, before I even considered joining ff net, but it's shit so I'm dropping it. I'm gonna do one about Murdoc and 2D before the band formed, when Murdoc's planning to kidnap Russel and 2D thinks he's gay.
Where did this sudden burst of humour come from?
I think the tragedy queen you once knew is dead, folks.
Message for Fred- on the Friday of the signing I will have 2 seminars, one from 9 till 10 and the other from 11 till noon- should I go or should I skip, d'you reckon?
Message for Bryony- here is boys in pants.
Again, sorry for poor scan quality. But if you full size it, it dos go very big and you can very easily ogle Noel's Very Impressive Package.
Okay, right, I don't know what I'm still doing here because I clearly need beans on toast. Yay, 3pm breakfast!