(no subject)

Jan 29, 2011 22:15

Within the past week and a half or so, I've lost about 8 pounds. (Right now Im hovering around 152-155)

Years ago, I would have been excited. Presently... I am slightly concerned. That's a bit too rapid a weight loss.

Perhaps my caloric intake isn't keeping up with my activity level. My muscle mass had a bit of a growth spurt recently, and those things need fuel. (shelter work makes you buff, apparently)

I also seem to be feeling a bit punk. A tad hypersensitive, a day of rapid cycling (extremely rare), some depression and crankiness... and to make matters worse, a decrease in appetite. This is all within the past week or so.

I have some bloodwork scheduled about a month from now. Maybe it will show something.

In the meantime, I am too tired to eat. Im going to stuff some bread in my mouth, and hopefully I will manage to swallow it before I pass out.

Other than that, things are fine, seriously. Job's good, cats are good, etc.
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