I'm a little over-icnoized for a while, so I thought I'd take a shot at making a Rufus colorbar instead, because - clearly - great difference. so here's my first attempt. I might make another one later.
'cause I'm so. fucking. bored. oh. my. god.
Anyway, feel free to take it. Just note that the bar itself links to this post (where people can take the code, should they want to...) and the "such a beautiful child..." line underneath links to the official site. [see EDIT..]
well, that's all. enjoy!! :O)
such a beautiful child... http://www.livejournal.com/users/thing_of_wonder/35901.html">
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v198/thing_of_wonder/colorbar.jpg" alt="Rufus Wainwright colorbar by Thing of Wonder">
http://www.rufuswainwright.com">such a beautiful child... EDIT: no coding genius here. for some reason I can't get the bar itself to link to something, and then the line underneath it to link to something else. dayum. any coding advice will be highly appreciated. thanks!
EDIT 2: problem fixed!!! thanks