Jun 03, 2004 09:35
ok so yea...im so freaking bored its unbearable. i dont know what to do. im not used to actually having time to sit back and do nuthing at all. im always on the move, workin, or playin softball...but today...AHHHH!!! im goin crazy, and its so not cool. what to do, what to do?!?...please...somebody...ANYBODY...help! gah...
i got softball this afternoon..but thats at like 6!! what am i gonna do for that long of a time span wit nuthing to do?!? i need to fold clothes, but i really dont wanna...i should, and yea, i dont like ma room bein covered wit clothes (which it is)...and thats drivin kinda nuts too...so yea...i think i'll go fold clothes. woo what an exciting life i lead. im such a loser.
where is maggie?!? and jennie?!? i mean...i feel like i havent seen either one of em in like forever...which i havent. last time i saw jennie was when we went to the mall last week. and last time i saw magz was her last day of school..which was over a week ago! WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO!?!?!?...omg, i think the end is near. i really need to get outa this house before i get to the point of being sent off to the betty ford clinic....*sigh*
tootles all! muwahz