
Jun 17, 2005 15:39

so tomorrow i leave with jenn and her family to go to WDC and NY... we are taking a train to DC staying there for 2 days and then a train to NY... that will be a long ride.. like 19 hours i think! holy moly ... lots of reading to catch up on! pshhh.. lol and lots of card games to play! yay! lol well anyways... ill be in ny chillin with her family and going to her cousins graduation.. pretty cool stuff... i will be gone for a week.! im excited! woot woot!well i finished packing and now i am chillin at jenns house while she packs. . .:):)
well that is all for now you bums!!!!!
p.s. which are the hugs and which are the kisses?? x's or o's??? i always get confused by that! are o's hugs cuz they are round? and you put your arms around someone?! i dont know.. lemme know! :)
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