Jul 14, 2006 23:16
so the impossible has now become possible; the cow has jumped over the moon; the bread...has been buttered!; yes I DID steal the cookies out of the cookie jar mommy; no kids, the easter bunny isn't real; yes kids, Santa really is just your local hobo in a red suit; and yes the poor and gentle man does smell of urine and such; the red Smarties DO taste better when you keep them till the end; although, Snickers bars still rule all; and Dr.Pepper rules YOU; hell has frozen over; heaven has fallen on earth; the grass is blue and the sky is green; your appendix really is a useless organ; it really was the ass'fault (it really was ok?); her milkshake really does bring all the boys to the yard; and when life gives you lemons, squeeze them into other peoples eyes and run away laughing hysterically;
so anyway, that was all way off topic: I GOT MY DRIVERS LICENCE!!!