Feb 23, 2006 17:14
Today marks me and Tyler being together officially for six months. That doesn't count the crazy few weeks I lived with him and Mike before we decided to actually 'date'. I'm not a big anniversary person, especially for a whole six months. But he surprised me with a supply of Monsters to last until we move and also the new Fiona Apple CD, Extraordinary Machine. I'm not really a fan of Fiona Apple, but I like the title track on that album quite a bit. Tyler and I are good together, and we've already been through an incredible amount of shit, so it makes me happy to know that we're still enjoying each other immensely through a ton of craziness.
I haven't smoked in a week. It's killing me right now but most of the time I'm fine. Exercising puts the cravings off for a few hours, so I went to the gym for a while today. It doesn't help that everyone else in this house smokes and the smell is drifting under my door right now. I CAN'T WAIT TO MOVE OUT!! Saturday, saturday, saturday.
Oh, and HUGE weight off my chest: I've figured out my school shit. I could get my Bachelor of Arts in just a few quarters, but I'm going to stick with it and get my Bachelor of Arts & Science. It will take a lot longer, but getting a dual degree will give me more experience at the clinic, more time to figure out what exactly I want to do, and will knock off almost all of the prerequisites for grad school OR med school.
I ran into two incredible people yesterday who granted me a few minutes of their time filled with inspiring thoughts and a few good laughs. I needed that. So much. It made up for a lot of hard time over the last month.
Oh, and we've made plans for Sasquatch with some of the coolest people we know. I hope it all works out.
Ok, cardboard boxes and packing tape, here I come.