RP Log with lovesguinness | Admissions

Dec 28, 2009 13:54

[Follows THIS and THIS]

Euan had been feeling really shit. In fact, it was probably a fact the cold had shifted into a flu, and he knew it was because it was a smoker. He heard the lecture from his Mom over and over in his head, even if she wasn't here to give it to him in person. It never stopped him smoking, though. Smoking and sex were basically what made him the detective he was. The nicotine and a good pint helped him think, and the sex was how he turned off from the job. This was just the downside.

He remembered being on the sofa with Vee, but not specifically everything they had spoken about. It was only when he woke up back in the bed in the copper's guest bedroom that he realised he must have been well dosed with the cold meds. He didn't remember getting into bed and he was sure he felt just as shit when he woke up as when he fell asleep. There was probably close to £100 worth of remedies from the pharmacy that Vee had brought, but he didn't feel any better. Everything hurt and his head felt like it was full of play dough. He sat on the side of the bed, blowing his nose, but the fucker just felt as blocked as it did when he started by the time he was done. He needed a piss, and maybe a cup of tea. None of that English Breakfast shite. Irish Breakfast or nothing else. Luckily, Vee's lay did one thing right. He seemed to favour Twinings Irish Breakfast too. Cup of tea had to help, fuck the medicine bollocks.

He exited the bedroom scratching his balls. He was wrapped up in a groggy yawn and just felt his way blindly into the bathroom for a slash. All the fluids Vee had been plying him with and he was pissing like a racehorse. In fact, by the time he was done, his feet were sore, and that was just so fucking wrong. He washed his hands, brushed his teeth and then splashed some water on his face to try and cool down. He had no idea what time it was, and didn't even give a fuck either. He made it into the kitchen and then just stood there blearily, trying to remember why the hell he was in the kitchen. He pointed to the kettle. "Tea," he mumbled to himself, almost like a half-hearted pep talk, right before breaking into another sneezing fit.

Gee had been waiting in the kitchen of Matt's apartment, right where Vee had left her. Matt had been sent out first to go and claim the table at the restaurant Vee had booked, while she hung behind on the pretext of not wanting to hold the date up while she looked for her purse. She'd looked stunning in the blue dress she'd been wearing, and anything Gee had been thinking about motives, or using Matt had gone out the window. Vee had called Gee over for Euan, but she really didn't need an excuse to go out on a date with Matt. He was apparently healed enough to start having sex again, and the blonde American was going to do everything in her power to make sure tonight was the night.

It would just help if Euan was distracted. She'd given Gee a warning which still rang through the brunette's cold addled brain, and made Gee slightly hesitant. Vee was as protective of Euan as Matt was of her, if not more so. If Gee fucked things up for Euan, Vee wouldn't be holding back. She'd be out for blood.

Gee had been holding a tissue against her nose, too scared to blow it in case she'd woken up Euan, but then he'd woken up all on his own, and she'd just waited in the kitchen to see if he'd go back to bed or not. When he stumbled into the kitchen oblivious to her presence, Gee had felt her heart start to beat quickly, and she'd almost had a sneezing fit to match his, but it subsided long enough for her to pick up the brewed mug of Irish Breakfast tea and hold it out to him. "Surprise..."

Euan nearly jumped out of his skin and hit the roof at the voice. It was double a shock when his eyes finally landed on who it was and he literally made a hoarse squeak sound in shock, his heart suddenly beating about ten times faster than it already had been. It was probably fortunate he had just taken a piss or he would have wet his boxers, and as it was, crapping himself might not actually be entirely off the cards yet. He was gripping his chest and broke into a cough, trying to catch his breath. "Fuck! Fuuuck..." was all he could get out as he just indulged in a moment of gaping. Was he hallucinating? He rubbed roughly at his eyes and then looked again. She was still there, so he gave her a small poke in the arm just to make sure she wasn't a figment of his imagination.

Gee gave him a smile at the poke, and reached out to touch his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to scare you quite that much. I was aiming for a surprise, but not to kill you. Still not ready to get rid of you just yet." She kept her hand on his shoulder, rubbing his thumb against his skin as she moved a little closer. "You look like shit," she added with a laugh. Not that she looked much better. She knew her nose was starting to get red with how often she'd been wiping it, her lips chapped and dry, not to mention her hair a mess of loose curls. Her eyes were also red from all the sneezing, and coughing. "I made you tea..."

"If anyone asks, I was really smooth. I didn't nearly shit myself, aye?" Euan croaked, putting his hand back on his chest to make sure his heart was at least still beating. He looked beyond her to the living room finding it empty. "Did you take them out? Where did you hide the bodies? I hear the Thames is a good place to start. And you didn't take your Echinacea." He accepted the tea gratefully and sipped it, closing his eyes as the hot liquid soothed his aching throat. It was sweet, too. Just the way he liked it.

"I did, just didn't work quick enough. Apparently your germs are just as determined as your cock," she couldn't help but say with a smirk. She held her hand up as she turned her head to sneeze forcefully, cursing after it. Adding 'ah shit' after a sneeze was a habit she'd picked up from her Dad. "No, I didn't. Vee took Matt on a date, so we're all alone. No bodies in the Thames. But that is a good idea for next time. And your secrets are always safe with me, sexy."

Euan sipped the tea again and it took him a few moments to process the information. It took time for details to filter through the snot. "How do you know they're on a date?" he asked once things clicked into place. "How do you know, and I didn't? I feel like I should be suspicious, if it wasn't too much effort to pull it off." But then the shivers started to take over again and his hands trembled nearly causing him to spill the tea. "Fucking hell, I'm like a fucking vibrator without an off button." He went over to the sofa where his hoodie was and pulled it on.

Gee hovered, not sure if he would have appreciated her trying to wrap her arms around him. As it was, she was feeling a chill herself and just wrapped her arms around herself to try and keep warm. "Because you were passed out. There's a note for you on the fridge," she added as she nodded her head in that direction. "I'm a detective too, remember? I detect. Stick my nose in others' business."

Euan was pulling on his tack pants and fishing around for his socks again. "Bullshit. That doesn't explain why Supercop would have just gone out on a date and needed to leave his apartment in your possession. What are you, the Tooth Fairy? Belated Christmas elf? Or did you pick the lock?" He only found one sock and for a minute, actually contemplated putting both feet in the one. "What does the note say?"

"'U, took Supercop on a date - I need to fuck him bad, so figured buttering him up was a good idea. Don't be mad at me for calling Gee. Love and handcuffs, V'" Gee recited, having actually read the note while she was left alone. "Matt hasn't nothing to do with it. And I'm not the bloody Tooth Fairy, or an elf, but I do have a sexy elf costume from an old Halloween party... Didn't pick the lock, either. I was invited." She rubbed her hands against her arms, her teeth starting to chatter. "Do you want me to go?"

Euan put one hand over his face and rubbed it roughly, trying to get the thoughts of Vee fucking the cop out of his brain as quickly as it entered it. He held his other hand up, indicated he needed just a moment so he didn't explode and swear a lot. It was an onslaught trying to deal with wanting to kill Vee for two separate things at once, the first just took a lot more effort because coupled with the noises through the bathroom wall, his senses were all out of whack. "Remind me to bang my head against a wall and stick forks in my ears before they come home so I'm unconscious, concussed and deaf," he requested, pinching at the bridge of his nose. "Maybe we should start with why you're here in the first place?"

Gee nodded. "Deal. I'll even knock you out if you want. I'm good with a frying pan." She bit her lip briefly, but had to release it to breathe. She couldn't get used to breathing through her mouth. It was one thing she hated about a cold. Apart from all the mucus. Gee moved closer to him, and rest her hands on the back of the sofa as she held his gaze. "I wanted to see how you were."

"I was more thinking crowbar or baseball bat." Euan watched her from the other side of the couch uncertainly. His breathing was starting to sound a lot like Darth Vadar now and he was a little concerned about the sore chest, but not enough to actually stop and think about it. "Why?"

"Cricket bat do?" Gee tilted her head, not sure how to take him looking at her. And suddenly feeling naked, but she had a feeling the conversation would go much better if she was naked. "Because I left you drowning in your sweat, and I just wanted to know you were alive."

Euan gestured to the fridge. "Where does Vee come into it?" he pressed.

Gee shrugged. "I don't know. She called me. I think she just wanted to help by getting Matt out of the house."

Euan shook his head, still teetering between angry and uncertain. It wasn't helping that Vee had pulled this stunt when she knew how sick he was feeling. What was he supposed to do, throw a teaparty? He wanted to curl up and die. "I'm going to keep firing questions at you til I'm satisfied," he warned. "I'm a copper, I can't help it. Why would she want him out of the house?"

"I would think plans to seduce him were obvious." Gee moved around the sofa slowly like she was dealing with a hostile suspect. Funny, since she really didn't feel physically up for a fight. "And I have no idea. I just know if she thinks I've done anything to fuck you over, I'm a dead woman. This isn't just about you. I think she just thought now would be a convenient time for me to see you."

Euan pushed his fingers through his hair and had to sit down when his legs got that weak feeling again. "She doesn't need an excuse to seduce him. They've been at it every night since I got here. His cock might not be slamming into her, but it's everything but." Vee was setting him up and he really was pissed off about it, but he didn't want to outwardly indicate it so Gee didn't think it was her fault. "This Vee and Gee thing, it has to stop. It's fucking screwing with my head."

She dropped down onto the sofa next to him. "You can call me Gabrielle, or anything else you want."

Euan didn't even know what else to say so he just held his hands up and slumped further into the sofa. Part of him was actually highly tempted to call the airline and book a ticket home for tomorrow. She brings him here, all the way to fucking piece of shit London, and then tries to hook him up so he's out of the fucking way so she can fuck her lay. The worst part was, there was no friggen cigarettes in this apartment and if he wanted any, he had to go out, and he didn't fucking want to go out in the piece of shit city. He wasn't sure he could be anymore pissed off with Vee right now if he tried.

Gee watched him, not even sure what she was supposed to say. It was a fucking failure, and she had no idea if any of it was salvageable. Or if it should be. Maybe it was just a one fuck thing, and she was pushing her luck too far. Gee pushed her fingers through her hair as her shoulders slumped in defeat. And of course it was right then that she had to break out into a lengthy sneezing and coughing fit. She might as well have just farted so she really couldn't leave with any dignity. "I'm sorry. I didn't... I just wanted to come. I didn't think about the how. I just seized the chance."

Euan stood up and picked up his coat. "You know what? I need to go get smokes, and I need you to come with me, because the minute I step out the door I'm going to freak out. I just need to get to that corner store at the end of the road, and it'll be cool. So, just sing bad Brittney songs or recite the Gettysburg Address backwards. I just need to get to the end of the road and back, okay?"

Gee nodded as she got to her feet. Without thinking she just reached out to take his hand. "Okay. I'll get you there and back. I'll, erm... I'll sing... Oh! I know!" Gabrielle broke out into a very nasal sounding version of 'Hit Me Baby', not even stopping when they were out the door and people were looking at her strangely. She tried out some dance moves, but they just made her cough.

The cold London winter air hit him and he started coughing, almost to the point that he couldn't catch his breath. His chest hurt with every cough, but it did distract him with the fact he was outside, even just briefly. They must have looked like a real sight. Either drunks or escapees from the local mental hospital. It felt like someone had Euan by the throat and he worried he was about to tear up or vomit. He had to pause by the wall of the apartment block by Matt's and just squeeze his eyes shut. When a car backfired in the distance, he nearly shat himself again. Explosions weren't something he could deal with. He tried to focus on her singing, until it stopped and then it was just the sounds of the city an he tried to see how far away the shop was. It suddenly felt like it was a hundred miles away. "Fuck, I can't do this."

Gee kept a hold of his hand, and used her free one to hold his face so that he had no choice but to look at her, and just at her. "It's okay, Euan. It's okay. It was just a car. And this is just a city. A city can't hurt you. Just the fucked up wankers in the city. I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you. Trust me."

Euan had so many protests to her statements that they all came in a rush and he couldn't actually form a rational response. He was pretty sure everyone in the subway beside his parents and on that bus thought the city wouldn't hurt them, too. Sure that the husbands promised the wives countless times that they wouldn't let anything happen to them. The images of his parents at the viewing were back, but he was determined to make it back to the apartment without vomiting. He was coughing again, turning his face away so he wouldn't be doing it in her face. "I've gotta go back. Tea. Tea is fine," he told her hoarsely, already taking a few steps backward in the direction of the apartment.

Gee kept a hold of him, stumbling to keep up with his few steps even if he was moving slowly. She wasn't exactly on top form either. "What happened? Why does being out here scare you so much. Fuck the tea, Euan. Just talk to me. Please." She glanced down the street, and could just make out the sign for the corner shop. "Or I'll just go and get your smokes, and you can wait inside."

"I have to go in. I... the smokes don't fucking matter, it's fine." Euan turned, already heading back into the apartment building. He might be ill, but he could move quick when he needed to, taking large steps to get the hell off the street as quickly as he could. He wasn't going to hide it now that she had asked, but he also didn't want to stand out there and talk about it or he really would throw up. He didn't know if she was behind him, he just got back to Matt's apartment as quickly as he could and went straight over to the kitchen sink, leaning over it in case he was going to vomit. He managed to keep it together, though. Take some shallow breaths and swallowing to wet his dry mouth. He turned the tap on and leaned down to have a drink of water.

Gee had followed and watched as he went straight to the sink. She walked up behind him to start rubbing his back, and kissed the back of his head. She hadn't meant to cause him to go outside and have a panic attack. "You're safe," she murmured. "It's okay... You're safe." She just tried to keep her voice low and comforting, and she didn't stop rubbing his back. She also didn't ask again what had happened. If he didn't want to talk about it, she wouldn't push.

Euan kept his breathing even, even if it was still kind of wet sounding and hoarse. He wiped the excess water from his mouth with his hand, but stayed leaning near the sink a little longer while that horrible shakey feeling started to pass. "How long have you lived in London?" he soon asked her.

"All my life. Dad's a brick layer, so it's a struggle, but we make it work. He went to Italy with some mates when he was younger and met my Mum. Brought her back here." She pushed her fingers through his hair, keeping it out of his face.

Euan nodded. "Sounds like a story Disney would give half a nad away to animate," he noted, clearing his throat in an attempt not to break into another coughing fit. Breathing was bloody hard work. He was listening. That was the thing with Euan, he was the epitome of an arrogant bastard, but he listened when he wanted to and took things in most would think he couldn't bother his arse with. "Seventh July 2005. London Subway and a double decker on Tavistock Square. My parents were in the subway."

"I don't doubt it, but no fucking bluebirds braid my hair, and there's no Prince Charming. I think my Mum and Dad are the star couple... Although Mum would probably slap the birds down because she can do her hair better." Gee was still stroking his hair, her eyes fixed on his profile as she watched him. There was a tiny noise as she sucked in a breath at his admission. "Shit... Euan, I'm so sorry. No wonder you hate London." She remembered the bombings all too well, the fear everyone felt at thinking their loved ones had been a part of her. She'd had calls off both her parents that day.

Euan was quiet for a few moments, a troubled frown on his face. His stomach was churning like it always did when he spoke about it. Since it happened, he mostly spent his effort on trying not to need to talk about it. Vee was the only person he talked to about it beyond his siblings. She knew the whole story, everyone else got tiny snippets when it was absolutely vital, at best. "This is the first I've been back. We had to come... identify them. I didn't want to come here, to be here. But Vee was going mental about the copper and she's throwing everything away, risking her job. I had to at least try and do something. Fucking load of good that did, though. She's trying to palm me off to you so she can lay the bastard in peace. Figure it's time to call the airline and get an early flight home."

"It's okay to freak out. It's okay to feel all the grief, and the sadness, and the anger. You lost your parents. That's never something that will be okay." Gee teased her fingers up into his hair before she pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. Then she tilted her head and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Gabrielle took his face in her hands again, and brought it up just enough for her to kiss his forehead. "As much as I'm flattered you think my being here has everything to do with her evil plan, it's not. I'm here for you, and just for you. She just gave me the opportunity. I don't owe her anything. I'm not here to be a playtoy for her to give you. I have a mind of my own. I have a body of my own." She kissed his lips softly, figuring they were both just too sick for it to matter. "I wish London didn't have such bad memories for you, and I wish you were here under better circumstances because I would have liked to have gotten to know you. And I think we could have had fun."

Euan was just confused. He was still angry at what Vee had pulled, but too exhausted to maintain it with any passion. His chest was really sore, and he wondered briefly if he was having a heart attack, but just put it down to the panic attack and feeling like crap. She was feeling crap too, it wasn't lost on him. "I need to lie down before my head explodes. You can... come join me if you want. Bed's big enough. Fucking freezing outside. You shouldn't be out in it, you'll end up with pnuemonia."

Gee smiled, but managed not to voice her own thought. He cared enough not to send her out into the cold. Therefore he wasn't the evil manwhore people assumed he was. "Okay. Thank you. I'm pretty much one minute from collapsing anyway. All this standing is exhausting," she told him with a small huff that was a substitute for a laugh.

Words: 4047

[ship] euan/gee, [co-written] lovesguinness, [rp] lovesguinness, [with] euan fitzpatrick

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