Have started reading a Larry Niven collection with somewhat mixed emotions. It was part of the joblot of sci-fi books from the last two decades bequeathed me by my Wife's late Uncle, most of which I have found execrably written on several levels, even when by name authors
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of Star Trek Animated, "The Slaver Weapon".
They left in elements of his Known Space universe,
like Kzinti and Slavers, creating a crossover.
than most of Next Gen, Deep Sleep 9
or Voyager before Seven turns up.
Admittedly, the Larry Niven story was probably the best.
>...the plot they need for the next Trek movie
> they can't seem to sort out...
Kirn Oath !
The modern Trek shows would have been a LOT more interesting
if they had grabbed more material from external sci-fi writers.
Voyager probably peaked with the B/W 30s based eps.
By default Enterprise's storylines will remain as is whereas TOS and any future ST shows/films are now up the spout in a big way - especially if they feature Amanda or Vulcan. On top of that let's not forget how the Romulans will act now that the Vulcans are pretty much out of the picture.
... NERD! :)
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