Apr 20, 2009 15:07
Am getting towards the end of my Dr Who digitalisation process, am currently making a two pronged attack on Colin Baker by way of Davison and McCoy. In the process of doing so i am getting a potted DW history as I go and at a much faster rate than either TV transmissions or doing the Dr Who ton (watch/listen to everything in order), so I don't have the easing into new Doctors/Producers that one normally gets but doing comparisons back to back
This leads me to the conclusions that
1/ A crappy pre JNT story (esp Tom Baker ones) are way better than crappy JNT stories
2/ A lot of crappy pre JNT stories (esp Tom Baker ones) are way better than "OK" JNT stories. Shows like "Revenge of the Cybermen" or "Android Invasion", with their goofy plots filled with holes still have the other aspects which make those seasons so enjoyable. Even the much maligned pantomimey 17th season shows like "Creature from the Pit" & "Horns of Nimon" are hell of a lot of fun and far more enjoyable than most of the overated 18th season shows, with an ageing Tom Baker who looks like he's on Prozac.
3/ To be continued