Oct 14, 2006 21:17
I made - baked - cookies today. They're cream cheese cookies. They have chopped up walnut, some nilla, and nutmeg. They're tasty.
I think today the dogs showed me a valuable lesson. Adoration. Just as dogs are a bit human, so should we try to be humans that are a bit Godly. I feel I'm doing a rather poor sport of it.
My parents get into Milwaukee tonight at 11. I'm unsure if they'll be coming home tonight, but I highly doubt it. They'd be staying at Aunt Jean's for the night. I won't have the house to myself after that.
I wonder if I should just go for it. Take a risk now or wait a bit longer and learn better the situation. Brittney Presser. Or do I do nothing?
I cropped the back of my hair. Now it is more even with the rest of my hair, rather than being longish and further down my neck than the level of the rest of my hair. I think I did a pretty good job, considering I could not see what I was doing really.
I have 30 measures of my Debussy-style assignment. I also have an actual map of what I want it to do. This level of organization is unheard of. I hope it will be good. I'm not worried about the grade; I'm sure I can firmly show I understand the underlying principles - quartals, quintals, open 5ths, modality, pentatonic and whole-tone scales, nontraditional cadences. The structure will be an arch - ABCBA with the scales being C, F, B-flat, F, C. A quartal. It is slow and seems to be sad and nostalgiac. Image Number 2. Or 3? 3, and then there's number 4 I have to revisit. I looked at it and realized how little I actually liked what I had written for Image Number 4. Emily was kind to find anything good about it at all.
I am also working on a second book. I hope I don't consistently neglect my other one until it becomes stagnant. This new one is more conceptual. It is set at a coffee shop (gasp?) and it will be less about one central plot - though one may evolve subtly and slowly - and rather more about exploring people through many half-stories as customers talk, act, hold conversations in the store. Stories will start, end, be shown from a point into the middle to a later point. It is about the coffee shop, the place that sells conversations, not so much as a story. A world, people. I'm working on it for Creative Writing.
NANOWRIMO? I doubt I'd have time. Which is a shame. I wish I could. Maybe one year I'll take November off and write a novel for NANOWRIMO. Or was it spelled NANORIMO? That doesn't look right. Emily brought it up. I hope she tries at it. I would love to see her explore writing even more. She may not see herself as a prose writer, but prose can help her poetry, and poetry can help a prose writer. Suzanne wants to see something darker from me. Maybe after this week. I have to hand in the next 3 pages of my book for workshop. I think Suzanne is trying to see what my limits are. Okay, you write poetry. Do you do prose? You do. Do you write dark things? I have. Will I be able to now, though? I feel like writing what the cover of my book says. PEACE. I feel that will be the title of a book of poetry for me. If I ever get one written. Dark is so much easier to become cliché.
One student wrote me "You could never write a cliché if you tried." I do, but I discard them.