May 22, 2008 08:21
I've been having a bit of a think and I realized that more than being ana/mia for appearances, I tend to be like this as a way to punish myself for being fat and ugly. There is also the control thing too. I feel much better about everything when I'm totaly in control and I am very scared to say that I find fasting quite easy.
Now, the reason I find fasting easy is because I am very unwell at the moment and therefore have to take a shed load of medication every day, which are "naturally" or un-naturally! suppressing my appetite. This leads me to worry loads when I fast, that all I'm putting into my body are tons and tons of chemicals. So I'm scared.
Also, I have no energy so I can't go running of a night. I'm a mum and have to prepare dinner and packed lunches, and do uniform for the next day....blah blah blah.
SO that's me - rant over.
See you later....x