i took this shit of
http://www.rowan.edu/colleges/engineering/clinics/recycle/energy/epp.htm check it out
we should do something like the "rowan cup" at csw, no reason not to, big reason to.
we need $$ and maybe we could recycle the $ for better coffee
well anyway ... now we should prob just bring our own cups in so we dont kill the world. ..
Paper, Plastic or Styrofoam cups???
So which is better or more environmentally friendly? In looking at a life cycle analysis of paper, it can be found that the production of paper products causes almost twice as much CO2 emissions and energy consumption as creating plastic or Styrofoam products. Also paper products that do not get recycled are sealed in landfills where biodegradation is incredibly slow. Most paper cups can not be recycled because of the wax coating on them so they end up in a landfill to slowly biodegrade. Paper cups are also inefficient because they insulate poorly and require more material by weight then Styrofoam or plastic cups.
If not paper, then what about Styrofoam? Styrofoam insulates well and compared to paper cup production, its production is less expensive. However, Styrofoam does not breakdown but lasts virtually forever. Very few recycling companies will recycle Styrofoam so the majority of the time it gets shipped to a landfill where it takes up a considerable amount of space. Styrofoam is created from benzene, along with several other chemicals, which is a petroleum product and a known carcinogen. Pentane, which is also used in the creation of Styrofoam, contributes to urban smog and global warming.
Paper is a bad choice and so is Styrofoam. What about plastic cups? Plastic cups are made of natural gas and petroleum products. Therefore, many of the concerns that come with Styrofoam also accompany plastic. However, plastic is able to be recycled more readily than paper or Styrofoam. It does depend on the type of plastic because not all plastics are recyclable so check out our recycle page. Overall, plastic cups seem the most environmentally friendly option.
The Rowan Cup
Is there any other option? Yes, there is. Rowan could begin to establish the Rowan Cup. This cup would be a durable, plastic cup that students receive with their meal plans or purchase at Rowan's bookstore. Students would bring this cup with them to their meals in the cafeteria or food court and use it instead of the disposable cups available. For a detailed drawing of the Rowan Cup click here. The Rowan Cup is specially designed to fit comfortably in students' backpacks along side of their books. It also contains a card holder so that students would have their Rowan card easily available. Below is an analysis of the energy savings between the different types of cups.
Extraction and Manufacture
Energy per Wash
Energy expended during school
Sum Total
Equivalent CO2 emissions
Acrylic Mug
14088 kJ/cup
184 kJ
2 Washes a day *200 days at school
14.4 kg CO2 emitted per person
Plastic Mug 2
6300 kJ/cup
184 kJ
2 washes a day *200 days at school
13.1 kg CO2 emitted per person
300 kJ/cup
2 cups per day* 200 days at school
19.0 kg CO2 emitted per person
559 kJ/cup
2 cups per day* 200 days at school
36.7 kg CO2 emitted per person
What are the savings?
Approximately 2,100 students eat at the Food Court every meal. Estimating that these students eat there twice a day, six days a week for a whole semester, a total of 352,800 Styrofoam cups are used in one semester. After an interview with the food service on campus, a cost of $12.25 per 500 cups was found. This means that $8643.60 a semester is going towards the purchase of Styrofoam cups. With the Rowan Cup, there is an initial cost of $4.00 per cup. In the beginning Rowan will have to purchase approximately 2600 cups which will cost $10,400 for the first year. After the first year, Rowan would only have to purchase cups for the income Freshmen and transfer students, which is about 1,050 students. This would cost about $6,200 every year. Below will show you that by the 6th year Rowan will have made over $64,000.
End of semester, t
Net Cash Flows For Options
Present Worth
"Rowan Cup"
Current cups
"Rowan Cup"
Current Cups
Total Cost after 12 semester
Total Savings