Jun 16, 2008 10:03
Ok, so I am back from the land of the dead, a.k.a. employment. My temp job at the Justice Center ended on Friday, so right now I am basking in nothingness and catching up on my internet life before I get sucked back into the working world. There is a possibility of another job starting on Thursday, but the company wanted the temp agency to actually send over some resumes so they could pick who they want as their 2 week temp. The best part - it's a data input job! Why be so picky about something a monkey could do? If monkeys had opposable thumbs, anyway. The job is somewhere in the Attleburough industrial estates and I have no idea what bus goes there or even where this job is located, aside from the district. So if I get this job I really hope that I get enough warning to try to figure out where the place is. *sighs*
Aside from that, it's just the same old same old. Yesterday there was a carnival and fair, so Danni and I went for a bit. She rode on 4 rides and I went on 1. Also bought fresh doughnuts, mmmmmm! And that was our weekend.
So, until next time, and I will try to update more often.